China wins, no matter what


Here's the bottom line. It doesn't matter how many medals the U.S. gets. What the Chinese people will hear is China won the most medals in the Summer Olympics in Paris.


Here's the count as of August 5th, 2024. The U.S. is tied for most gold medals, most silver and bronze medals. But... who cares? China is still winning. Here's how.

What the Chinese people hear is China is winning. How? To the people of China it's transparent. They just see the numbers on their carefully crafted medal count graphics during their newscasts. 

How does China counts its numbers? It includes any medals from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and 16 other nations it disputes it has territorial claims over all across the Pacific. You'd be surprised to know China claims among those 16, it owns the two Koreas, the Philippines, Japan, and India; none of which recognize Chinese rule. Does that matter to the Chinese government? Nope. It's all about the numbers.

Throughout and at the end of the Olympics, it will look like China beat the living you know what out of the U.S. to the common person in China. And why wouldn't they believe it. It's the only thing they'll hear. Chinese TV is the only thing they know.

See, China wins.


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