
Showing posts from September, 2024

It's Sweater Weather season

 Happy Fall 2024. What's your favorite part of the Fall Jose? Well, I'm glad you asked. Sweaters, of course. Oh, and when SeriusXM starts their Christmas music mid-Fall.

I mean, I have one day a year I can do this

  You're welcome. 

Another attempt and nobody cares

  Can you imagine us having this conversation ten years ago? A former president, now candidate for president, being targeted by two assassination attempts? One which drew blood? We'd likely be in utter shock. It would feel like a historical low for our nation. And while the news cycle ate this last attempt on former president Donald Trump up for a few days, it's already starting to fade into short updates or the second story on national news. It'll be third story or after the first break in a few days from now. This is absolutely unprecedented, and so is the response. We're not only numb to it, we welcome it. Tens of thousands of people are not only celebrating the attempt, but amusingly asking how it's possible the gunmen keep missing. "How can you miss a big, round target like that?" said one X user. Another said "just give me the gun. I'll do it." TikTok influencers are openly joyous about the attempts and some call for more until it's

Hispanic Heritage Month, Blah

  I'm going to say it, I'm not a fan of "group" month observances. I know many people believe our nation is far worse off than it was during the Jim Crow era when it comes to diversity relations, but honestly I think that's absolutely laughable. I believe it's incredibly important to celebrate diverse groups, but to the extend that they've added to our national fabric. You don't need a month for that. When you force people to "celebrate" something, you're tying its value to the time you're celebrating. I want to be celebrated as an American who happens to be of Hispanic heritage, who's family brought their unique culture and added it to the spices of our melting pot, as part of my day-to-day life. I want to celebrate others who's families brought their unique flavors to our nation, on a day-to-day basis as well. Having said that, if you're going to have a Hispanic Heritage Month, then at least do it right. Make it meaningf

Is it AI? Or is it Marketing?

    ***Gets on soapbox: Artificial Intelligence is just a marketing term. Sort of like sugar-free soda. Not always, but often. Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. It's being used in all sorts of software, apps, web searches, etc. What most people seem not to know is most AI isn't actually AI. It's just regular old programming, done AI'ish. AI requires taking information and creating something novel based off more than just calculations, but actual understanding. If it doesn't understand, process, and respond intentionally, then it isn't AI. Programs that process information and spit out pre-programmed responses, regardless of how life-like or genuine, have existed for decades. They're indispensable to every aspect of our modern world. Just because an app creates a photo mash-up doesn't make it AI.   ***Gets off soapbox.

... the underdog comes out on top?

  I didn't want to watch. I figured I'd get the noteworthy zingers from news networks and social media so why waste two hours I could be watching game shows.  But I watched. Mostly because I remembered the news media is quite biased, and it is so exhausting reading the obvious far left/right opinion-pieces afterward to try to figure out the ground truth. So I figured I'd invest two hours, hear it with my own ears, and process it unfiltered from their mouths. That way I could make up my own mind on how it went. My friend Michelle, who is a soon-to-be PhD in strategic communications, and absolute Kung Fu communications grand-master, wrote an incredible piece on how Vice President Harris, the underdog, used three expert techniques to what is widely considered (even by the right) to have been an easy win over former President Trump. I'll link to her article below. My take is Harris got under Trump's skin, and when push comes to shove, Trump literally can't help hims

Summer, summer, summertime.

 Did you enjoy summer?  Any unexpected wins or losses?  If you could speak to yourself from today back to January 1st of this year, what would you say? What lessons have you learned so far this year? ***MY ANSWERS BELOW***  Did you enjoy summer? It was nice. Nothing too crazy. To some degree forgettable. I should have definitely made more meaningful memories. But the memories I did make were with those I love, and those are the only memories I care about making. Any unexpected wins or losses? Well, a win is I'm going to be a grandfather! Jan 2025. That's more than enough of a win to cover any losses I'd care to remember. If you could speak to yourself from today back to January 1st of this year, what would you say? I'd ask myself to work harder at forgiving myself and others. Holding onto things will only drag you down. Let. It. Go. What lessons have you learned so far this year? It's hard for me to Let. It. Go. Lol. I'm hilarious all by myself in this lonely li