... the underdog comes out on top?


I didn't want to watch. I figured I'd get the noteworthy zingers from news networks and social media so why waste two hours I could be watching game shows. 

But I watched. Mostly because I remembered the news media is quite biased, and it is so exhausting reading the obvious far left/right opinion-pieces afterward to try to figure out the ground truth.

So I figured I'd invest two hours, hear it with my own ears, and process it unfiltered from their mouths. That way I could make up my own mind on how it went.

My friend Michelle, who is a soon-to-be PhD in strategic communications, and absolute Kung Fu communications grand-master, wrote an incredible piece on how Vice President Harris, the underdog, used three expert techniques to what is widely considered (even by the right) to have been an easy win over former President Trump.

I'll link to her article below.

My take is Harris got under Trump's skin, and when push comes to shove, Trump literally can't help himself. He resorts to what he always resorts to. Making stuff up on the spot, and going back to rallying cries proven to work for his base. Tto be honest, anyone who was surprised has been living under a rock the last 7 years.

About Trump: Nothing changes. Those who will vote for Trump will vote for Trump. He doesn't have to do anything new. He is who he is. 

I'm always surprised at pundits and the media when they try to dissect his words or intentions through  what would be considered standard norms. Trump unapologetically tells you who he is. Like, he stands there at every rally, every interview, every moment in front of a camera and tells you who he is. Unfiltered, brutish, straight up. It's why so many people love and follow him. He doesn't sound like a politician who picks words carefully to cater to his or her current agenda. The People tire of it. They've always tired of it.

Trump followers rightly noted Trump was fighting three people on the stage last night. The moderators fact-checked Trump far more than Harris. FAR more. Some would say "of course, he lied all night." Maybe. But Harris isn't a saint. She was treated with kid gloves by the moderators and not held to the same scrutiny. In what little media interviews she's done, she has gotten very few hard questions or push-back from reporters. Trump will play on that in the days to come and frame it as an attack on "us."

About Harris: Nothing changes. Those who will vote for Harris will vote for Harris. She failed to deliver significant policy stances but got the majority of the memorable zingers. She won the night and there will likely be a surge in her popularity. But it'll be short-lived. I can't imagine she'll stay ahead (if at all) on polls for much longer than a couple of days. Things will settle back to a 51-49ish split; well within the margins of error.

What Trump can do: Do what he does. Attack, attack, attack. Air the same grievances. Sinking economy, immigration, they're trying to take your guns, they hate Christians, the world is laughing at us, Afghanistan failure, open borders allowing Haitians to eat cats and Venezuelan gangs to take over entire blocks in Denver, yadda yadda yadda. 

He can pick up some undecideds by scaring the living crap out of them and a world where "Comrade Kamala destroys our republic.

What Harris can do: Work to pick up undecideds by spelling out actual policies. Not in platitudes, but practice. She also needs to keep out of the fray. Attack Trump from a distance but not get in the muck. He is unstoppable when it comes to flinging muck. She needs to shield herself behind her army of supporters and let them carry the water for her. She needs to go to rallies and events and solidify support from progressive elites, and some of the previously iron-clad minority supporters who feel the party only uses them for their votes every four years and then breaks its promises again, and again, and again. While she has wide support from black and brown women (especially college educated, single or single-parent), her support amongst black and brown men has dropped dramatically (especially blue collar, single, or dual parent).

I don't think a second debate will help Harris in any way. When it comes to debates, only Harris can beat Harris on a scorecard, but Trump always seals the deal with his base.

Now, I defer to a far more educated voice than my own, Michelle Johnson. Her article is required reading:


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