Is it AI? Or is it Marketing?



***Gets on soapbox:

Artificial Intelligence is just a marketing term. Sort of like sugar-free soda.

Not always, but often.

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. It's being used in all sorts of software, apps, web searches, etc. What most people seem not to know is most AI isn't actually AI. It's just regular old programming, done AI'ish.

AI requires taking information and creating something novel based off more than just calculations, but actual understanding. If it doesn't understand, process, and respond intentionally, then it isn't AI.

Programs that process information and spit out pre-programmed responses, regardless of how life-like or genuine, have existed for decades. They're indispensable to every aspect of our modern world.

Just because an app creates a photo mash-up doesn't make it AI. 

 ***Gets off soapbox.


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