...and the decision is made

 People are Monday morning quarterbacking. The haters who can't get enough of the moment are hunting for more red meat. The hypocrites who pushed him out are celebrating behind closed doors. And very few have even stopped to consider the weight this decision had on the man behind the Office of the President of the United States of America.

Like many aging championship boxers in history, the last thing to go is the heart. And Joe was full of heart.

Maybe the right decision for the Democratic Party was to ask him to step aside. But in my opinion, that decision will not attract many undecided voters.

Voters who now have proof the Republican position that the Democratic Party, the party of the Elites, will throw anyone under the bus if that person gets in their way. That the American people aren't to be trusted with the decision of who they want to lead via their Constitutional right to vote.

It happened the last two elections with the incredibly popular candidate, Bernie Sanders, who the elitist establishment didn't deem sufficiently loyal to their dogma or controllable in his messaging. Instead they went with bristly candidates like Hillary Clinton who were unpopular at the time, and rammed them down the Peoples' throats whether they liked it or not. Now it's occurred again. The elites decided, not the People. They forced a candidate down Democrats' throats and then called anyone who didn't toe the party line disloyal.

The pressure placed on President Biden wasn't about the presidency. It was about the DNC, Congressional and state level Democrats putting their best interests ahead of the People. Their assessment was Smokin' Joe was in their way. And what matters most to elected officials in high office, is to win. Not the People.

A temporary rise in popularity behind VP Harris is underway; the "I'm With Her" movement. The question is whether that surge holds for the next few months until the DNC convention. I wish her well. But I am not convinced it will. 

My observation is the puppet masters of the party are already considering what will inevitably be a disorderly mess of an open convention with a hope the winner ends up gaining the full support of every Democrat and many undecided voters in the few weeks left just prior to the election. 

I don't believe that support will materialize, as many stakeholder interests and factions sit under the Democrat umbrella; many at polar competing ideologies on what the Party should look like moving forward.

Love or hate the Republican Party, they stand behind their man. If they desire, they can just sit back and watch the Democrat clown show for the next 100 days. 

They won't. But they have the choice.

The Republican party has all the momentum. It has record numbers of black and brown people supporting it. It has undecided voters intrigued. And it has 100 days to woo others.

Will the Democrats pull off a miracle? Or is the Trump train's next stop the Oval Office? Time will tell.

Two final thoughts.

The PEOPLE should decide this election, not the elites. If they choose former President Trump, then he will be THE President of the United States. Cry all you want about it on Facebook and Twitter. And if as a Democrat you don't accept him as your president, then you're the very thing you think of the Republican party when they say your Democratic President isn't theirs. You've lost the moral high-ground you think you own.

If the PEOPLE choose whoever the Democratic party nominates, then he or she will be THE President of the United States of America. Cry all you want about it on Facebook and Twitter. And if as a Republican you don't accept him or her as your President, then you're the very thing you think of the Democratic party when they say your Republican President isn't theirs. You've lost your conservative "values" and your moral standing that you represent the everyday blue-collar, tax-paying American.

I think President Biden is a good man. A  good man who gave his entire life for the Party and the People. He didn't deserve the pressure campaign, but he got it. The elites got what they wanted. They kicked him to the curb. All that's left to see is if their little bet pays off.

Thanks Joe.


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