Impostor Syndrome - The Veteran Effect

 You're not the first to experience impostor syndrome. Many of us have. Especially in military transition.


One day you're in uniform and respected because of your knowledge, skills, wisdom, and abilities. Everybody thinks you're the subject matter expert at all things. The next, your time in the military is over, and you're applying to jobs with no one responding or getting Dear John letters.

It ain't you. You may just not fully comprehend the lingo civilian recruiters speak. You are also likely throwing your eggs in the application circular folder where nobody gets a call back.

A few of tips to help you get beyond the moment you start to question whether what you think you know, you know:

- Use LinkedIn and your personal connections to find fellow veterans in the same industry, company, or space as you want to get into. Connect with them and ask for a short information interview. Ask them for advice on how to express your abilities the right way. Chances are they experienced something similar. Many veterans are more than happy to help you.

- Get into groups in your preferred industry and figure out if you need additional training or to pick up skills, or to learn the lingo to be more competitive (You can search for groups in your industry on LinkedIn. Same place you can search for people. The little search bar at the top of your page).
Things aren't always called or mean what you think they mean in the civilian world.

- Finally, rather than sending resume after resume hoping for a miracle, create your own. Network, network, network. Grow meaningful professional relationships. LinkedIn is a great place to do so. Developing those relationships early means others will be looking out for you when opportunities materialize, and if you've developed trust and good will, they may reach out to you for opportunities. THE most important thing you can do for yourself is to network.

I know being ghosted is tough, and the Dear John letters at least bring closure, but they suck anyway. Don't get down. Use the tips I've shared and give yourself a fighting chance.

For my successful veterans out there, what other advice would you share?

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