God Bless America. Happy Birthday U.S.A.

"Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction." 

Ronald Reagan once famously noted "it is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people."

But who will defend it if not the ordinary citizen? It is not enough for our military members to believe in the promise of our nation.

The last few days I've seen posts from, interviews with, televisions stories highlighting, those who feel the need to qualify their wishes for a "Happy Independence Day."

Somehow, in 2024, some people feel "unsafe" if they see an American flag waving in a neighborhood. Patriotism is now an extremist term; especially amongst our youth. Those views are largely inserted there by the very adults who live under the blanket of freedom the American flag grants them.

I'm not sure if we have another American generation left willing to fight for freedom. "Those who have known freedom and lost it, have never known it again."~ Ronald Reagan

So here's me, wishing you a Happy Independence Day. No qualifications, justifications, or apologies given.

May God bless the greatest country the world has ever known. Full stop.


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