
Showing posts from August, 2014

The Last Go Around- Senior Year

Of all the things I remember from my childhood, many of the significant ones come from senior year of high school. It was the year that marked "adult-eve;" that time right before we became fully responsible for ourselves. It was the end of the norms we developed as kindergartners; where going to school became our job. I remember my first day of senior year of high school. I had plans, big plans. I had just come off a great summer. Richard Marx, Michael Jackson, and Cheap Trick had all had huge hits that summer. Guns N' Roses and LL Cool J were blaring regularly on my cassette player in my $400, 1980 rustbucket Toyota Tercel. Life was good. I knew I had to successfully negotiate the schoolyear but my thoughts (like all my classmates) were on what came after the schoolyear ended. This would be the last year I would spend around the group of people I considered my extended family. I would end this year shuffling up to a stage while pomp-and-circumstance played in the back