
Showing posts from March, 2011

Japan's Tragedy - A Global Call For Humanity

Humans are pretty selfish. Like most creatures on this earth our ultimate and simplest two instincts are to procreate to continue the species, and to survive against all adversities and odds. The difference between us and all other creatures of course is we tend to create our own adversities and odds. We think about us first and everyone and everything else second. That wasn't always the case. Not too long ago we existed around close-knit villages where the good of the group was as important if not more important than the independent needs or wants of the individual. Prior to that, to the very dawn of our existence, there is evidence we always worked in groups, hunting, foraging, surviving. So it is a little disconcerting some days to see how cut off we have become from one another. Many of us work in cubicles, we rarely participate in group activities unless our little Johnny is on the soccer team, and then it's "watch out everyone else cause I want Johnny to get his mi


I was talking to a coworker the other day about friendship. Friendship is one of those things that is very personal and unique to each of us and to try to define it fully would take far more than the abilities of Mr. Webster or the Encyclopedia Britannica. Friendship is one of those intangibles; something we feel, something we know is there, but something we cannot touch or ever fully define. At least not as a society. What interests me is what friendship means to individuals because that can be as varied as the pages of the dictionary. In my life in the Army, I have pretty much moved every two to three years since I was 19 years old. Every new location comes with a new organization and new people to interact with. Every move comes with a new set of living conditions and a whole new group of people surrounding us socially. I'll be honest, I am a very friendly person, but I have very few true friends. I have many acquaintances, but few true friends. I guess to me, and please know