
Showing posts from October, 2012

And the Election Goes To?

About a week ago I found out I would be flying west quite early on business on the 6th of November. Thus, I voted absentee yesterday. It was a great experience as it has always been. I was there along with other military members, first-responders, and other citizens who for a myriad of reasons wouldn't be available to vote on the 6th; all there doing our civic duty, and exercising this great privilege of voting. After returning I was pretty excited and found a photo of a voter with a blue stain on his/her finger from having voted in what I presume is a middle-eastern election, since that is where the blue-finger stain is most popular. I posted it on my Facebook page using it as the symbol for my comment about voting. Some people "got it" while others didn't. To me, it was a symbol of how amazing our country is and how sad I get when I see the partisan divisions which rear their ugly heads in our society every few years. For me, voting was as simple as going to a din