
Showing posts from June, 2012

The Angry American

Why is everyone so angry in America all the time? Have you noticed it? I know you have. If you haven't, it's probably because you're one of the angry people. I saw this guy freak out at McDonalds the other day because the kid behind the register short-changed him a nickel. A nickel! I mean really, does the guy think the 16 year old behind the counter has some master plan to steal nickels from customers? I see it on the roadways everywhere. Road rage isn't the exception anymore, it's the norm. It's like we've lost our damn minds! The craziest part is we don't even hide it anymore. We strangely revel in our anger and want the world to know we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore! I'm convinced I know what is propelling us to be so angry as a society; information overload. Just think about it; not too long ago, you read the paper in the morning and learned some good, some not so good news. You went to work, then came home, h

Just Jen

Yesterday morning I was having my first cup of coffee and going through the routine I've set for myself while on leave. I read the news, checked my Facebook, and lastly did the same with my Twitter account. I always leave the Twitter account for last because it moves so much faster than any other form of social media I use. Before I go on, and for those of you who may not know, I'd like to explain how someone's "Tweet" as they call them, ends up on your timeline (or wall as it would be called on FB). The first group of people is easy, those people you are following. The second group is not so easy. Complicated algorithms pair up people who are talking about certain subjects, follow certain people, have certain likes, until seemingly random strangers' messages show up on your timeline. The messages move a mile a minute so anything you're looking at is gone within seconds sometimes. More times than not, you ignore them. Yesterday was not one of those times.

The Search Continues

I was looking across all the posts I've written over the last three years. I've written (or rambled) about a whole host of issues, mostly about the search for betterment in every conceivable area of our human existence. I've given advice on how to get a better job, how to make more money, how to quit destructive habits, how to lose weight etc etc. Yet there is one post that by far has the most viewers. I could literally not write for weeks or months and one of my posts gets looked at by at least someone on the internet every single day since I wrote it over a year ago. My post titled "How To Keep Her From Cheating." ( My first notion when I noticed that was "damn, guys are terrified of losing their women out there in record numbers!" Yet, as I sat back and pondered for awhile, and after looking across the internet at similar posts written by female writers about how to keep thei