
Showing posts from February, 2019

DC Commute

I work in downtown Washington, D.C. For anyone who has driven the mean streets of D.C., you know there are really only two types of people; the ones who accept traffic as what it is and those who....don't. I'm a strange bird. I enjoy my drives to work and home. In the morning, I catch up on the news, do some positive self-talk, and well, rock out to a tune or two. Generally, I'm pretty Zen. Similarly on my drive home, it's all about de-stressing, decluttering, and filling my mind with positivity. So I always think it's hilarious when I look over and see my fellow commuters incredibly stressed, angry, sharing a few 4-letter words. I always wonder how someone like that can work in a place like this. It must be exhausting. I remind myself they likely think I'm the particular one, blurting out Sinatra and smiling like a fool. I'm sure not here to tell you what to do with your drive (except for texting...put that dang phone down). I will make a few practic

The #1 Secret to Success...

What's going on friends? I'm back to blogging and this time around really focused on Success strategies I've learned throughout my almost 30-year career as a Soldier and leader. Practical ideas to help you succeed, today. Since I last posted, I've started a number of sites where I really focus on the idea of success in all its forms. Most recently, my brand new Youtube channel which this week tackles "action" as the #1 most important Secret to Success. Please consider checking it out. Here's the link. A few days ago I was talking to a friend. She's battled with weight most of her life. She is the proverbial yoyo fad-dieter and fad-exercise program purchaser. She knows what she needs to do, but it's always just outside her grasp. It's always tomorrow. She's lived off of excuses for so long, she believes them to the core. I submit, many of us are exactly the same way. Our issue might not be weight. Our