
Showing posts from March, 2013

Christmas on Easter? A Matter of Faith.

First, for all my Christian friends who celebrate this day for religious reasons and also to my friends who celebrate it as a fun holiday to hand out Easter eggs to kids and spend some quality time with family, Happy Easter! This will not be some religious discourse. This will be, however, a post on "faith." The title says "Christmas on Easter? A Matter of Faith." The truth is, as many of you know, to the faithful Christian, the celebration of Jesus' life begins on the day we recognize his birth but doesn't end until the day we recognize and celebrate his resurrection, Easter. It really is a stretch to logically believe any of this "mumbo jumbo." A guy is born, runs around performing miracles, tells people he is a god, people get jealous and find a way to put him to death, and then, least logical of all, he dies for all of our sins and is resurrected from the dead three days later. So why do so many people believe? Some of my more "enlight

Live a Deliberate Life "Challenge"

Webster's Dictionary of the word Deliberate: Done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional. How many of us live "Deliberately?" I suspect very few. I believe most of us live on autopilot. We go through the motions day in and day out. Even our complaining is automated. We wish for better things, better outcomes to our life, but continue to do the same thing day after day. We tend to control very little about our lives. We have the power to control pretty much anything and everything about our lives yet we don't. If you look at all the greats who ever lived and the titans who live today, do they live their lives on autopilot or do they live deliberately? I think we both know the answer to that. Imagine if Gandhi or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had lived on autopilot? We probably wouldn't know their names today and the world would definitely be far less off had they not lived deliberate, meaningful lives. These are the seconds of