Live a Deliberate Life "Challenge"

Webster's Dictionary of the word Deliberate: Done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional.
How many of us live "Deliberately?" I suspect very few. I believe most of us live on autopilot. We go through the motions day in and day out. Even our complaining is automated. We wish for better things, better outcomes to our life, but continue to do the same thing day after day. We tend to control very little about our lives. We have the power to control pretty much anything and everything about our lives yet we don't.
If you look at all the greats who ever lived and the titans who live today, do they live their lives on autopilot or do they live deliberately? I think we both know the answer to that. Imagine if Gandhi or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had lived on autopilot? We probably wouldn't know their names today and the world would definitely be far less off had they not lived deliberate, meaningful lives.
These are the seconds of our lives. The same seconds the billionaires have. The same seconds great government and industry leaders have. The same seconds great thinkers and great caregivers have. They don't get a single second more than we do. Not a single one. Yet they are the people we read about, the people we admire, the people we believe in and aspire to be like. Why are you any different from them? Education? Chance? You weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth? All excuses you make to go on living your autopilot life because it is easier to live on autopilot and blame everything and everyone around you for your lot in life. YOU choose your lot in life. Only you. And you have just as much ability as the next person to be great, if you will only "BE".
So here is a Sunday challenge for you. Try to live this coming week deliberately. Truly try to make every second count. Call that loved one you keep "meaning" to call. Do more than peruse the local community college's website; sign up for just one class. Put down that cigarette even though it is calling your name. Work a little harder for that promotion. Try to make every single act of your day deliberately and with the goal of bettering yourself. It can be a little uncomfortable and exhausting at the beginning to be honest, but isn't it worth it?
Friends, you have such power in you. You have such amazing gifts to give and such great peaks to climb. I believe in you. I really do. I don't have to "know" you well or hang out with you daily to know you hold such truly amazing potential. The only way to release that potential though, is to live deliberately, with goals, with plans, with ACTION. Don't wait another week to begin striving for your goals. Don't wait another minute. Your success begins today, if only you'll allow yourself to succeed.


  1. Well said! This goes with MLK Jr.'s talk with the Jr. HS in 1967:..."If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well."


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