
Showing posts from July, 2011

Inaccuracies Make Life Beautiful

I was reading about a series of Buddhist writings which were recently discovered (cause reading about Buddhist scrolls is what a cool guy like me does on a Saturday night). The books were placed in clay jars about 2,000 years ago and hidden away in caves. Taliban members found them sometime around 1997 and since they had no use for the "rubbish" sold the writings as junk to a British archeologist. Scholars called it the Gandhari Canon. Does that ring a bell? It probably should since the Jewish/Christian Dead Sea Scrolls were found in a very similar way in 1947. Similar to what was found with the Dead Sea Scrolls, experts began sifting through the early writings in hopes of figuring out which current Buddhist teachings were the "real" ones. What they found was unbelievable and yet at the same time so obviously predictable it really shouldn't take a PhD to figure out. They found the early writing had little bits of all the current Buddhist sects. Just like the D

My Independence

Independence Day weekend is here and while I know the overall holiday holds a similar meaning to all of us, I am of the belief Independence holds a unique meaning to each of us. For some, it was that first slumber party as a child. For some, the first day of college. Yet for others it is a day which holds a collective feeling. Ultimately though, Independence means one thing, freedom. Over my career I have been fortunate enough to participate in a number of historical military events. Alone they were nothing but grown men and women in uniform fighting for grown men and women in business suits. All by itself it sounds pretty silly and ridiculous. Yet, as you step further back and look at the context of the bitter wars which have occured during my time in uniform; wars such as the first Gulf War, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and the more recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the fundamental truths and ideology which I believe in to the death were reason enough for me to feel I was doing the