
Showing posts from October, 2013

The Acorn Effect

As many of you who read my blog may have noticed, I shy away from writing too directly about religion because as we all know, religion is a hot topic which immediately denotes negativity and divisiveness and my blog has always been about inspiration and positivity. Having said that, I have commented many times on the ideas and individuals at the center of many religions and today would like to share the Buddhist teaching of the Acorn. The story goes the Buddha was sitting with his followers one day and meditating when he noticed an acorn laying on the ground next to him. He picked it up and asked his followers what it was. They answered it was an acorn. He asked what it was for. His followers gave him many reasons. It was food for squirrels and humans, it could be used as decoration, it was a reminder of the seasons passing. Finally one of his followers in a confused tone said "an oak tree?" The Buddha replied, "this little acorn exists for only one reason. It has the

Perfect Time For Resolutions

I took my dog out this morning and really felt a nip in the air. It reminded me Fall is in full swing. Some of you may know from my incessant Facebook posts that my favorite holiday is Christmas. But in all honesty, my favorite season is the Fall. While some see the Fall as a time when things are slowing down, anyone with kids knows this is absolutely not a slow time of year. For me, the Fall is a time of change and a time to revisit old goals. I don't know about you but if I am going to accomplish anything, I need a deadline. Maybe it is because as a kid I made it a habit to wait till the night before a project was due that I had six months to complete to start working on it. I need deadlines or I will just sorta procrastinate till the last second. So for me, the Fall has become a great and easy time to revisit old New Years resolutions I long ago failed at and give them another shot; especially since the most notable calendar deadline of all is just a few short months away; New