Perfect Time For Resolutions

I took my dog out this morning and really felt a nip in the air. It reminded me Fall is in full swing. Some of you may know from my incessant Facebook posts that my favorite holiday is Christmas. But in all honesty, my favorite season is the Fall. While some see the Fall as a time when things are slowing down, anyone with kids knows this is absolutely not a slow time of year. For me, the Fall is a time of change and a time to revisit old goals.
I don't know about you but if I am going to accomplish anything, I need a deadline. Maybe it is because as a kid I made it a habit to wait till the night before a project was due that I had six months to complete to start working on it. I need deadlines or I will just sorta procrastinate till the last second.
So for me, the Fall has become a great and easy time to revisit old New Years resolutions I long ago failed at and give them another shot; especially since the most notable calendar deadline of all is just a few short months away; New Years.
I don't know what your goals were on January 1st of this year. Maybe you wanted to quit smoking. Maybe you wanted to lose some weight. Maybe you finally wanted to start taking college classes. I bet you thought about it, planned for it, and maybe even started working towards your goals. Then life stepped in and you gave it a vote and your goals sorta went by the wayside.
Well, no time like the present to jump back in the saddle. January 1st will be here no matter whether you change anything in your life or don't. Time's steady drumbeat cares little for our personal journey. What I do know is if you start towards your goals right now, on January 1st you will be that much closer to where you want to be. You'll be able to look back and say "I'm so glad I started." If you don't start today, well we all know how it feels to look back on a year we had so much hope for, so many plans for, and wish we had started but didn't. Don't be that guy or girl.
Today I challenge you to reach back to when your goals were palpable. I challenge you to remember why they mattered and why you wanted to change. I challenge you to make a plan and then take action. I dare you, no I double-dog-dare you to set a goal and get started on the road to achieving it. Just think of how proud you'll be of yourself on January 1st.


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