
Showing posts from March, 2019

I'm a Procrastinator - What's Your Default?

I'm lazy. I'm a procrastinator. I can be sort of a grump. That's my "default." It's who I became due to nature and nurture. But it doesn't have to be who I "choose" to be. I've learned there's a choice we can make every day to fight back those "defaults" that may be keeping us back. Here's what works for me. Let me know what you think. >>What's Your Default?<< Check out my podcast if podcasting is a better choice for you: >>iTunes Podcast<< And I'm on here daily. Would love to have you join me. >>Instagram<< >>Facebook Page<<

Planning for Tomorrow - How To Beat That Nagging Voice Inside Your Head

"I can't." "I'm not good enough." "I should wait till tomorrow." Sound familiar? Ever heard that nagging voice in the back of your head give you this advice? What causes it? And what can we do about it? My study tells me it's an instinctive process focused on safety and comfort. It's that sixth-sense we have when we feel something might go wrong. It served us well when we were on the African Savanna trying not to be eaten by lions. But today, most of us aren't being hunted. And so that very keen instinct spends a lot more time focused on our "comfort." Unfortunately, our comfort zone is exactly where change doesn't happen. It's always just outside the reaches of comfort. And so when it's telling you to stay in bed and not to worry about working out tomorrow morning, it does so because you're nice and comfortable in your bed and it doesn't want you to go get sweaty and tired and push your limits. There

Take a Walk

Happy Humpday friends. It's a beautiful day in Northern VA where I live, so I took a little bit of a walk and am taking you along. In my latest Youtube video I share some thoughts on walking as more than just a physical activity, but as a way to energize the mind, and strengthen your heart. And I add a few ideas to help you stay positive, even on those tough days where being positive doesn't seem like an option. Check it out. 😊😊😊😊 Also, check out my positivity focused Facebook page: And my daily posts on Instagram:

Spring Forward - Declutter Your Life

What a terrific Sunday. I'm celebrating Spring Forward Day 2019 by not letting my natural laziness creep in today. A gentle reminder to check your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms today. Also, its a great idea to check your fire extinguishers in the kitchen to make sure they're still serviceable. And finally, is it too early to start thinking decluttering a little in anticipation of Spring Yard/Garage Sale season? Today I'm definitely going to spend some time looking through the 70% of clothes in my closet I never wear and making the choice to put them in a bag to give away to charity or place in the "Yard Sale" pile.  You know what I'm also doing? I'm going to sit quietly and really take note of some of the "baggage" I may have bumping around in my head and heart. That stuff tends to have really negative impacts on our lives and our relationships. Getting rid of it is sure harder than that old size small t-shirt that hasn't fit you in

Doggies In The Moment

A funny thing happens when I get home. I'm always met at the door by two crazed animals, losing their ever-loving-minds with excitement that I'm home. This is my everyday reality and an occurrence I have come to cherish. My two doggies Saber and Chico are my heart and soul. It doesn't matter whether I've been gone for five minutes or five days, they're always just as excited to welcome me home. What a terrific lesson I'm learning from my four-legged friends. Sometimes we're so busy focused on everything but the here and now, we literally miss the life we have right in front of us. All the blessings, all the moments, all the reasons to be alive. In my latest Youtube video I explore the importance of living "in the moment." It's something I've had to learn to be mindful of and something that's made a huge difference in the quality of my life. **Warning** Cute dogs ahead.

This Is Water

An interesting thing happened when I was searching Youtube inspirational videos. I came across this incredible commencement speech by David Foster Wallace titled "This is Water." It's an amazing stream of thought centered around us paying attention to the world around us and the needs of others. In my latest Youtube video, I explore how we can leverage Empathy to gain a competitive advantage at work, school and our everyday life and more importantly, to make the world a better place. I encourage you to check out my latest video at the link below. It's a little bit of me, well being me, and discussing the power of Empathy. It all starts when we think "This is Water. This is Water."