
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Case for Aurora

The news from Aurora has horrified us this week. When men do things like this, we are often left asking ourselves "why?" Tragedies like this remind us all just how fragile life is and how we truly do not know the date and time we breath our last breath. I heard Anderson Cooper say that after every tragedy like this, the world remembers the name of the killer, but not the victims. He vowed to spend more time talking about the victims and I appreciate him for that. I'm not a fan of his necessarily, but I am appreciative he is taking that tactic and I hope he follows through with it. It always amazes me how when one of these tragedies happen, the local community rallies around the victims' families, and when it is a tragedy of this proportion the community of support grows all the way to the nation and beyond.   I only wish it didn't take tragedies to make us act so "human." Wouldn't it be great if we were good to each other on a day-to-day basis? I

Independence Day

Independence Day is here and while I know the overall holiday holds a similar meaning to all of us, I am of the belief Independence holds a unique meaning to each of us. For some, it was that first slumber party as a child. For some, the first day of college. Yet for others it is a day which holds a collective feeling. Ultimately though, in my opinion, Independence means one thing, freedom.  For every American Service-member, military retiree, and veteran, Independence day is the holiday which embodies everything we fight and sacrifice for. We are reminded of our friends who lost their lives or were injured, and our buddies to our left and right who kept us alive. We remember keeping each others' spirits up when the nights got cold and the memories of our loved ones overwhelmed us. On this day, all those types of memories will rush through many a mind of those who have worn an American military uniform. In our society, holidays aren't about the "purpose" behind them