
Showing posts from September, 2013

Lesson from Mr. O!

This weekend was the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding competition in Las Vegas. The "Olympia" is the Superbowl of the world of bodybuilding and fitness. It was started by a guy named Joe Weider back in 1964 to celebrate the human form and the limits which people could take it to. The men and women who compete are in all reality, the largest, most developed human beings in the history of mankind. Last night a gentleman named Phil Heath won the men's portion of the competition for a third time. Regardless of your opinion (or lack thereof) of anything in the sport, I'd just like to share a lesson I take from it daily. Many people think of bodybuilders as stupid meatheads who throw weights around and pump steroids into their bodies all day. If that is your only opinion of bodybuilders and you're not open to any other insight then you should probably not waste your time with the rest of this. But if you are open to a lesson we can learn from them, please read on. I don'

Fall Back into Success

Today we celebrate the first full day of Fall 2013. Of course in celebrating this first day of a new season, we must bid farewell to our Summer and with it I hope some wonderful memories and times. Fall is a special season for me. It like Spring, is a transitional season but to me the Fall signifies change, and warm memories of some of the best times of my life. For too many of us, the fall is unfortunately a time where we put goals on the back burner. We use the old excuses of all the holidays back to back, and everything we "have" to do to prepare for them, and all of a sudden, any semblance of success with goals we may have been succeeding at all summer disappear. You probably know someone who has said "I'll have to wait till the beginning of the year" when you ask how their goals are going. They'll use all the excuses in the book. Let me know if you've heard any of these quotes: It's getting colder and my joints, oh my joints. It's footb

Make Your "Labor" Count this Labor Day

I was talking to a friend of mine a few days back. You know how you've got some people who don't like what they do? You know how others really despise their jobs? He doesn't despise it; he absolutely, positively HATES his job. So the obvious question of course is why does he keep doing it? That's where it gets tricky for most of us. Let's face it, the vast majority of us are not in our ideal job. Or at least not the job we dreamed of as young men and women in high school or college. A few of us have jobs we passionately love, and some of us have great work environments of supportive colleagues and friends and so we consider our job loved, but I don't think I need a scientific study to tell me most of us are working where we sorta "landed" after high school or college or however we found our way to the workforce. So on this Labor Day, I'm here to tell you exactly what you'd think Mr. Mumbo-Jumbo Motivational Blogger would tell you, "if y