
Showing posts from January, 2015

What We Can All Learn From Stuart Scott

For a generation, he was the face and voice of American Sport on ESPN. He was one of the most respected sports analysts in the business. Yet it was a platform he never chose which elevated him to another place in our hearts. Scott’s fight began in 2007 when his appendix was removed and cancer was discovered. He had 58 infusions of chemotherapy before it arrested, only to return. Each recurrence seemed more dire, and yet after each, he returned to his job at ESPN, ensuring his private fight became public. Even in the midst of the pain and suffering of this insidious disease, Scott recognized he could help others by sharing his journey, even if it lead to his last breath. Today word came of his passing and while my natural instinct was to feel sorrow, it was quickly replaced by feelings of appreciation and joy for a man who may have succumbed to cancer, but won at life. He sucked every last drop out of life in his short 49 years, and in his example we learn a great lesson. We're bor