
Showing posts from February, 2013

My Funny Valentine

Maybe Old Blue Eyes said it best in his song My Funny Valentine; "but don't you change one hair for me, not if you care for me, stay little valentine, stay." It's interesting that Valentine's day is linked with new love so much and that's OK I guess. To me though, the true meaning of the holiday lies not just in new love, but the kind that endures; the kind that lasts past all the faking we all do to attract each other and keep each others' attention during an early romance. I'm gonna be honest, I'm a mess. I've made more mistakes than most over the years; some real whoppers. I started out pretty good looking if I do say so myself (I kid), but the years are wearing on me. I am far from the perfect male model and nobody has ever confused me for Enrique Iglesias. I can be moody and stubborn, like to be pretend I'm right more than I actually am, and sometimes I proudly let a "silent but deadly" one slip out while si

Lessons From The Walking Dead

I like many of you am totally obsessed with The Walking Dead. It is an incredibly well written and well produced psychological thriller of a television show. As luck would have it, it is about to start it's new season. Like many of you have done since the show's inception, I've tried to mentally place myself in the situations the characters find themselves in and while it is fun in fantasyland, I would definitely prefer it never happen in real life. In studying the show, I've thought about some key takeaways we could all benefit from and use in our everyday lives. There are more, but I've narrowed a couple down I'd like to share with you. First thing I would say which has been reinforced in me is the attitude of "it is what it is." That attitude is incredibly potent in that many of us (myself included) try to find meaning in everything that happens in our worlds, especially when things don't go well. Sometimes a family member unexpectedly gets

What We Can Learn From Super Bowl XVLII

One way or another, Superbowl 47 will be decided today. The one thing we know for sure is the only people who will be "happy" by the night's end will be those who support the winning team. Everyone else will think it was horrible, will find fault with players, coaches, the officiating staff, all of it. Chances are few fans of the opposing team will just say "well, they were better than our team today and they deserved to win." It's human nature to find fault and sometimes it is human nature to miss some of the most important parts of something which is right in front of us. To me, the Super Bowl much like other world-class championship games, is itself a great venue to find inspiration regardless of which teams are playing or which team wins. Think about the mathematical probabilities that a regular kid maybe born into poverty, overcomes seemingly insurmountable obstacles very few others can, makes it to the NFL, and then ends up on one of the two teams w