
Showing posts from June, 2011

Summer of Change

Change!!!!!!! If there is one thing we humans don't like, it is change. Summer is full of it. It's the one season when the most change happens in our lives statistically. High School kids head off to college. College students head into the "real" world. More people get married and have kids in the summer than any other time of the year. More people move and start new jobs in the summer than any other time of the year. Summer is all about change and change is scary. We humans like things just the way we like them. So change is not usually welcome, even when we aren't in the best situations. That is why so many of us do the same exact thing day after day, month after month, year after year, and complain the entire time that nothing ever "changes". We are a HOT MESS the lot of us. Yet no other species on earth is better at adapting to change than us (well, maybe roaches, but we'll keep roaches out of it). No other species is better equipped to turn cha

I'm Hip, I'm Hip

I have friends who are stuck in an era. You know, that girl at the office who still uses a can of hairspray every morning to puff up her 80s Debbie Gibson look, the guy who wears nothing but Def Leopard black t-shirts and listens to nothing but the 70s rock station in his car, people like that. Luckily for me, I'm not like that. I consider myself a pretty "hip" guy. That right there should tell you I'm not, but I like to fancy myself a man of the times. I have a social media presence, I watch Youtube videos, I know the latest music in the top 40, I have an idea of the latest fashions (not that I wear any of them), the latest tastes in cuisine, the cool tv shows, the new trends. I am pretty damn hip. That is, until I speak to my 14 year old. There are thousands, no millions of videos on Youtube, so when I want to impress my 14 year old, I talk to him about the lastest "viral" video spreading across the net. He normally gives me the "ohmygodthatvideocam

Falling Behind Fast

First, Happy Father's day to all the dads out there, past, present, and future. I looked at my Facebook page earlier and a friend posted a story which said FB profile pics had reached new highs today with members placing photos of their fathers for the day. It was pretty neat to see so many of my friends' dads as their profile pics. So many black and white photos, so many old ones, very cool. I know each photo held a special place in each individual's heart. Most of the pics were of bygone eras; with times, dates and people lost to the world and only significant in their memories. Yet most of the dads seemed to have that "oh yeah, I'm the man" look :). I'm sure they once were. One cool thing about father's day in my opinion is we honor that guy who was once the king of cool to us. The guy who was the strongest man on earth, the smartest human in the universe (well to everyone but mom usually). Most dads are considered heroes to their kids at one point

Facebook Dump- The Day After

Well about 24 hours ago, in a moment of holistic goodness (I might have been eating granola at the time), I decided I was going to deactivate my Facebook account. Not permanently, but for some unspecified time which I called "the summer". I didn't lock myself down to actual dates just in case this would be harder than I expected but I mean come on, it’s just a stupid website. There are a million other websites and social environments online. I wouldn't even notice it was gone. Fast forward till 7pm last night. There I am, staring at a blank Google search engine page, feeling a little sick to my stomach and confused as to what to do. Hours earlier I had said my goodbyes to my close friends on Facebook who saw me off with words of encouragement reminiscent of eulogies as I disappeared into the internet sunset like a cowboy disappears into the western plain. Now, I was a free man. Mark Zuckerburg could no longer control me. I was free to roam the internet as I pleased.

Blue Collar

I've always been a go-getter. One of those people who always wants more out of life than my present situation. I think it is a pretty healthy trait and one I hope will always push me to be the best I can be. It is the drive which once got me out of the ghetto and the push I needed to succeed at my current career. Having said that, I got sucked into watching some tv shows about wealthy people on tv today, some reality tv stuff (I won't tell you what for fear you'll ridicule me forever and rightfully so). My God, if that crazy, self-absorbed, materialistic, shallow world is what being white collar is all about, I don't want any other part of it than the money. I'm a pretty average guy. If I had to be fully honest, I'm probably a little "less" than average. Average height, average build, average looks, average intelligence (barely). I've always had a desire for the finer things though. When I was going to school to earn my Masters in Business Admini

Your Best Summer Ever?

What are the chances this is going to be your best summer ever? Well, it sorta depends on how you measure it. If you measure it by the lotto odds in my state, your chances would be about 66 million to 1. Not the best chances there. More than likely you're thinking "this is sooo not going to be my best summer ever". Most people think that way. We rarely recognize our "best" moments until long after they have passed. Heck, that's the whole premise behind the "good old days". Were they really that good back then when you were living in them? Probably not. But as you look back, you can gleen in those times special moments which you now understand made them such good old days. So will this be your year? Your summer? A new study conducted by author Steve Seibold says you have reason to be hopeful. In his new book called "How Rich People Think", Mr. Seibold studied not just rich people, but also our current socio-economic situation. His take? T