Blue Collar

I've always been a go-getter. One of those people who always wants more out of life than my present situation. I think it is a pretty healthy trait and one I hope will always push me to be the best I can be. It is the drive which once got me out of the ghetto and the push I needed to succeed at my current career.
Having said that, I got sucked into watching some tv shows about wealthy people on tv today, some reality tv stuff (I won't tell you what for fear you'll ridicule me forever and rightfully so). My God, if that crazy, self-absorbed, materialistic, shallow world is what being white collar is all about, I don't want any other part of it than the money.
I'm a pretty average guy. If I had to be fully honest, I'm probably a little "less" than average. Average height, average build, average looks, average intelligence (barely). I've always had a desire for the finer things though. When I was going to school to earn my Masters in Business Administration, I routinely studied successful people and dreamed of a day when I would share in the trappings of greatness. While I continue to dream of financial success and work towards it, I am finally mature enough in my life to appreciate the "station" of life which has given me all my morals, all my values, and most of my friends.
While I may dream of the good life of "champagne wishes and caviar dreams", I wouldn't trade my life in the Blue Collar world for any of it. I thrive, I survive, and I am accepted for who I am in this world. I have ghetto-fabulous friends who work in factories where I grew up. I have buddies who serve in all branches of the military busting their butts for crappy pay and not much more to show for it other than the honor of protecting our freedom. I have buddies who are trailer park "trash" and yet have some of the biggest hearts I have ever known. People who would give me the shirt off their back if I needed it. No its not the guy who could give me a million dollar loan at 10% and not miss the money that I look up to, its the guy who is willing to give me his last 20 dollars knowing I might be too broke even on pay-day to pay them back. Not because they're going to get something out of it, but because friendship means more than money.
The people in my life far more resemble Garth Brooks' friends in his song "friends in low places" and I couldn't be more thankful. Thanks to my inner city thugs and my rednecks. Thanks to my midwest farmers and my Mexican border-towners. Thanks to my gay friends in Beantown and my straight friends Tennessee. Thanks to all of you who make me, me. May our Blue Collar men and women never disappear from the American landscape, because you ARE America.
Don't get me wrong, I want a seven figure salary and I work every single day to get there, but when I do get there, my Blue Collar friends are the first on my barbecue invite list. Cheap cold beer, box wine, burgers, hot dogs, barbecue chicken and ribs for everybody!


  1. SGM, well said (or well written to be exact!)! I agree with you whole-heartedly and wonder why there are so many shows dedicated to those in life that most of us never want to be like. Perhaps it is just remind us of what we have and no matter what society and TV portray, we can be grateful for the wonderful lives we are blessed to live.

    On a separate note, I'd be interested to learn where you earned your MBA. I'm not looking to earn one (I started an MBA program five years ago and after three semesters realized that's not what I want my graduate degree in), but am interested to learn about successful online programs where I might consider pursuing my next bit of education.

    Keep the blogs coming. Love them! :) Kanessa


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