Your Best Summer Ever?

What are the chances this is going to be your best summer ever? Well, it sorta depends on how you measure it. If you measure it by the lotto odds in my state, your chances would be about 66 million to 1. Not the best chances there. More than likely you're thinking "this is sooo not going to be my best summer ever". Most people think that way. We rarely recognize our "best" moments until long after they have passed. Heck, that's the whole premise behind the "good old days". Were they really that good back then when you were living in them? Probably not. But as you look back, you can gleen in those times special moments which you now understand made them such good old days.
So will this be your year? Your summer? A new study conducted by author Steve Seibold says you have reason to be hopeful. In his new book called "How Rich People Think", Mr. Seibold studied not just rich people, but also our current socio-economic situation. His take? This is the best time in the history of mankind to become a millionaire. He believes in the next 5 years, more Americans will become millionaires than in any 5 year period in history. He believes while the economy, the climate, energy, war, natural disasters and other major factors are very much challenging issues we face today, those issues themselves will be the source for a new generation of entrepeneurs to figure out new ways to solve them.
Did you know even with all the talk of the U.S. losing ground to emerging markets like China, we are by FAR the most prosperous country? There are 5.2 million, millionaire households in the U.S. (not counting billionaires) compared to the next highest country Japan, which has 1.5 million. Siebold believes we will add many new millionaires to that number in the next 5 years. So the question is, will you be one of them? Will this be the summer you start working towards being a millionaire statistic?
Seibold quotes renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud in his book about the difference between how those who become rich see the world and those who don't. He says "the wealthy and big thinkers move toward what they want as opposed to away from what they don't want which is what the masses do."
That really strikes as a deep point because don't most of us just go to work so we can pay our bills in this endless cycle of trying to keep the debt collectors from calling and enough money to keep milk in the fridge, bread in the pantry, and gas in the tank, so we can go to work? It's a vicious, vicous cycle. Yet one which many people have overcome by changing how they think about their lives, and then acting towards the goals they set for themselves.
In your current job, there are probably lots of things you would change if you could to make it more efficient and effective. Maybe you have a hobby which you would love to turn into a business. Maybe you hate your profession and dream of doing something else. Those who are most successful among us live exactly what the rest of us do, except they find ways to move towards their goals.
While most of us are so risk-averse we feel trapped by a job we hate, someone who would be a success would spend all their time looking for other jobs, going to school to acquire new skills or training, networking, doing everything they could to find that opportunity. While most people who are overweight will talk about being sick and tired of being overweight, those who would live a healthy and fruitful life will not let set-backs stop them. They will push themselves, even when the scale doesn't budge, even when they don't see any difference in the mirror, even when others would give up, and because of that, they will succeed.
I've said many times dreams without action are just dreams. But dreaming is the seed, the idea, the inspiration. Without the dream, there is no accomplishment. Maybe all you do this summer is dream of an opportunity you have been too fearful to pursue. Maybe this summer you begin to act toward a dream you've been tossing around in your head and in your heart. And maybe if you do, 5 years from now, you'll remember this summer as your best summer ever. The summer when your life changed forever for the better. The summer when all your dreams began coming true.
As always, I believe in you, you just have to believe in yourself.


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