My Funny Valentine

Maybe Old Blue Eyes said it best in his song My Funny Valentine; "but don't you change one hair for me, not if you care for me, stay little valentine, stay."
It's interesting that Valentine's day is linked with new love so much and that's OK I guess. To me though, the true meaning of the holiday lies not just in new love, but the kind that endures; the kind that lasts past all the faking we all do to attract each other and keep each others' attention during an early romance.
I'm gonna be honest, I'm a mess. I've made more mistakes than most over the years; some real whoppers. I started out pretty good looking if I do say so myself (I kid), but the years are wearing on me. I am far from the perfect male model and nobody has ever confused me for Enrique Iglesias. I can be moody and stubborn, like to be pretend I'm right more than I actually am, and sometimes I proudly let a "silent but deadly" one slip out while sitting on the couch; yet my Valentine still stands by my side.
There's a psychiatrist named Dr. Mark Gungor who lectures about marriages and relationships. He argues women have this romance-novel idea of the perfect husband/boyfriend and that leads to guaranteed disappointment in relationship. With all due respect to the good doctor, I may not hold a PhD, but I respectfully disagree. I say "good for women." I like the idea my Valentine once thought of me as a Fabio-ish hottie. I worked really hard on my sexy foreign accent back then to impress her.
What I love most of all about her is once the fake accent wore off and the abs went the way of the ab-roller and sweatin' to the oldies VHS tape, she still loved me for me; for the flawed, average guy I am.
I think women should expect the romance and I think men should step up and meet women's expectations.
For our new lovebirds, I challenge those of you who are in new and promising relationships to take a chance with your hearts. It can be scary to put yourself out there, but that is what "life" is all about. Sure there's a potential for heartache, but there is also potential for "love" and in my opinion even the "potential" for love outweighs all other factors, because love is worth the risk.
For my friends who are in committed relationships, a special note of congratulations to you. Loving your mate when life takes the place of the honeymoon stage is ultimately what life is all about. That doesn't mean you should rest on your laurels though. Fellas, spice it up! Remind her regularly how much she means to you. Don't wait until Valentines Day to buy her flowers. Having said that, today is Valentines Day, so you better have bought her flowers (or something romantic).


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