Independence Day

Independence Day is here and while I know the overall holiday holds a similar meaning to all of us, I am of the belief Independence holds a unique meaning to each of us.
For some, it was that first slumber party as a child. For some, the first day of college. Yet for others it is a day which holds a collective feeling. Ultimately though, in my opinion, Independence means one thing, freedom. 
For every American Service-member, military retiree, and veteran, Independence day is the holiday which embodies everything we fight and sacrifice for. We are reminded of our friends who lost their lives or were injured, and our buddies to our left and right who kept us alive. We remember keeping each others' spirits up when the nights got cold and the memories of our loved ones overwhelmed us. On this day, all those types of memories will rush through many a mind of those who have worn an American military uniform.
In our society, holidays aren't about the "purpose" behind them anymore, they're about having the day off and barbecuing or going to the beach. So few people ever stop to remind themselves and their children of the reason for the holiday and the importance of remembering and appreciating whatever the accomplishment was. This one holiday, more than any other, should give rise to conversations between we parents and our children.
President Ronald Reagan, many years before becoming our Commander in Chief said:

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it onto our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Those words have rarely been more appropriate than in this era, where regimes are tumbling around the world, hate for America grows, and countries jockey to take their place as the number one country in the world when we fall. What's worse is, the deep divide between our political parties and the venom they use to brainwash our citizens through the media is working. Never have I seen friends who used to hold relatively similar or at least centrist views who literally hate each other now because they've been conditioned to believe opposite, radical notions of each other.
But, in Jose's world, hope springs eternal. America has faced many adversities before and will face many more in the future. I hope those who read this put their hate towards those who are not "like" them or don't "believe the things they do" aside, even if it is for one day. Let us celebrate together like brothers and sisters and remember the greatest and most successful social political experiment in the history of mankind, the United States of America!


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