Spring Forward - Declutter Your Life

What a terrific Sunday. I'm celebrating Spring Forward Day 2019 by not letting my natural laziness creep in today.
A gentle reminder to check your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms today. Also, its a great idea to check your fire extinguishers in the kitchen to make sure they're still serviceable. And finally, is it too early to start thinking decluttering a little in anticipation of Spring Yard/Garage Sale season?
Today I'm definitely going to spend some time looking through the 70% of clothes in my closet I never wear and making the choice to put them in a bag to give away to charity or place in the "Yard Sale" pile. 
You know what I'm also doing? I'm going to sit quietly and really take note of some of the "baggage" I may have bumping around in my head and heart. That stuff tends to have really negative impacts on our lives and our relationships. Getting rid of it is sure harder than that old size small t-shirt that hasn't fit you in 22 years. But letting the baggage of the past go is far more significant.
Today I encourage you to consider letting go of animosity or negative feelings towards others who aren't in your life anymore. Even those who genuinely deserve it. Whether or not they've passed or are a phonecall away. I dare even encourage you to consider forgiving someone, even if they're not sorry. Because it's not about them. It's about the power those negative emotions have on your present life. The truth is your present life doesn't deserve your previous baggage. So its time to let it go.
In my latest Youtube video I give you some practical ideas on how to do just that. I'd be honored if you'd give it a quick peek.

Bottom line is it really is time to Spring Forward, but you can only do that after you Declutter Your Life.

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