Planning for Tomorrow - How To Beat That Nagging Voice Inside Your Head

"I can't." "I'm not good enough." "I should wait till tomorrow." Sound familiar? Ever heard that nagging voice in the back of your head give you this advice?
What causes it? And what can we do about it? My study tells me it's an instinctive process focused on safety and comfort.

It's that sixth-sense we have when we feel something might go wrong. It served us well when we were on the African Savanna trying not to be eaten by lions. But today, most of us aren't being hunted. And so that very keen instinct spends a lot more time focused on our "comfort." Unfortunately, our comfort zone is exactly where change doesn't happen. It's always just outside the reaches of comfort. And so when it's telling you to stay in bed and not to worry about working out tomorrow morning, it does so because you're nice and comfortable in your bed and it doesn't want you to go get sweaty and tired and push your limits. Therefore, we have to make a conscious decision daily to do what we must even when it's easier to stay in our comfort zone.

In my most recent video, I share a few tips which have worked for me. It's time to beat that voice back when it says "I can't," so that we CAN. Check out my video below:
>>Click here: The 5 Second Rule - How to beat that Nagging Voice<<

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