The #1 Secret to Success...

What's going on friends? I'm back to blogging and this time around really focused on Success strategies I've learned throughout my almost 30-year career as a Soldier and leader. Practical ideas to help you succeed, today.
Since I last posted, I've started a number of sites where I really focus on the idea of success in all its forms. Most recently, my brand new Youtube channel which this week tackles "action" as the #1 most important Secret to Success. Please consider checking it out. Here's the link.

A few days ago I was talking to a friend. She's battled with weight most of her life. She is the proverbial yoyo fad-dieter and fad-exercise program purchaser. She knows what she needs to do, but it's always just outside her grasp. It's always tomorrow. She's lived off of excuses for so long, she believes them to the core.
I submit, many of us are exactly the same way. Our issue might not be weight. Our issue might be a bad habit we want to be free from, a job we hate, a dream of going back to school or a goal of getting out of debt. Whatever your dreams are, if you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to be where you've always been.
Friends, nobody is coming to save you. Nobody. If you want to be saved, you're going to do it yourself. That is one of life's absolute truths. As I share in my Youtube video, much like the Evil Winter Warlock in the classic Christmas cartoon Santa Claus is Coming to Town (it'll make sense if you go back and watch the video), change only occurs when you put one foot in front of the other. You have to muster up the courage to take that first step, and then that second, and then that third. Success comes to those who take it, not to those who sit around waiting for it to knock on the door. Make today the day you choose to stop waiting. The day you take you take that first step. And soon, you'll be walking out the door.

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