And the Election Goes To?

About a week ago I found out I would be flying west quite early on business on the 6th of November. Thus, I voted absentee yesterday. It was a great experience as it has always been. I was there along with other military members, first-responders, and other citizens who for a myriad of reasons wouldn't be available to vote on the 6th; all there doing our civic duty, and exercising this great privilege of voting.
After returning I was pretty excited and found a photo of a voter with a blue stain on his/her finger from having voted in what I presume is a middle-eastern election, since that is where the blue-finger stain is most popular. I posted it on my Facebook page using it as the symbol for my comment about voting. Some people "got it" while others didn't. To me, it was a symbol of how amazing our country is and how sad I get when I see the partisan divisions which rear their ugly heads in our society every few years.
For me, voting was as simple as going to a diner and ordering an omelette. There was a nice older lady there, she asked me to fill out some clearly written information, I showed my ID card, I was given a very clearly marked voting sheet, I was pointed towards a private area to make my decision and privately slid my ballot into a machine. Then I got a cool "I Voted" sticker and the lady thought I was cute so I got a lollipop too. :). Don't even try it, you're not going to get a lollipop.
Anyway, my point is there are so many places on this Earth where that is not the case. Where choosing to vote is a life and death decision. So many places where instead of little old ladies at the front door to greet you, there are men with guns. Places where "monitors" look over your shoulder as you vote to make sure you don't forget who you are "supposed" to vote for. And places, where those brave enough to have their voices heard through their vote may never leave the voting venue alive.
Yes friends, we've got it pretty damn good. I truly enjoy the "intelligent" conversation about issues amongst my friends and I appreciate varying opinions. I like the fact our citizens can fact check our elected officials and candidates, after all this is a free society and our public servants, whether they like it or not, are the employees of the American people.
Now as far as the crazy rhetoric, venomous hate and just overall meanness, yet again, my humble opinion, those of you who engage are a bunch of idiots. Every 4 years those trying to hold the highest office in the land make it seem like if you pick the other guy, the world will end. Like all the progress humankind has made will go up in smoke. Come on people, get a grip. Regardless of who wins this election, the political system itself has its fair share of checks and balances. Anyone who has ever spent a second either working "in" DC or reading about it knows nothing fast happens there and no initiative goes forward without it being scrutinized by everybody and their brother. I personally believe (and if you don't that is your right of course) that regardless of who wins, the country will overall continue to move forward. We will still be the greatest country on Earth, and barring any unexpected asteroids hitting us from the sky, be right back here again 4 years from now, acting like the fate of human existence lies on us picking the right American president.
Is one candidate "better" for America? Absolutely. Ask a Romney supporter and he/she will tell you he is. Is one candidate the one to take us into the future? Sure, just ask an Obama supporter whether he is the only man for the job.
Ultimately, the world will continue to turn, we will have to get up and go to our jobs, and if we're smart, we'll appreciate all the blessings we have in our personal sphere of influence. So please, appreciate how lucky you are to be in a country where voting is so truly "free", enjoy this process, absolutely voice your opinions about things that matter to you, fact check till your hearts' content, but leave the vitriol and hatred behind. In the end the only person those emotions hurt, is you. My two cents.


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