What Are You Dressing Up As?

Most of us will be sending our kiddos out to get their Halloween candy this weekend while the actual holiday is Monday. Halloween is that one day of the year when we can all dress up as ghouls and goblins, sexy or scary, and have a little fun acting like children again. It is a special day in my mind because for one day adults, teens, and children are all on the same level. Just having some fun. As a society we don't do that nearly enough.
I submit to you my friends that Halloween doesn't have to be the only day we play dress-up. While this day in particular is solely for fun, we can use the lessons of this day to help ourselves be successful the other 364 days of the year, if we'll only learn and apply those lessons.
I've spoken of Napoleon Hill in many of my prior posts. To say he is a personal hero of mine is sort of an understatement. Mr. Hill spent a lifetime studying the wealthy and successful. One of the lessons he learned was many of them created themselves in someone else's image. You've heard the term, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it most certainly must be a duck." That is so very true. You see, if you for example want to be a successful business-person, would you study music? If you wanted to be an athlete, would you study nuclear science? Of course not, you would study whatever subjects would allow you to gain the knowledge to succeed in your area of interest. I propose part of the process of becoming the "you" that you want to be is by dressing the part and by following the norms of those who are already doing what you hope to do. Just like with a little make-up, a few feet of cloth, and the right attitude you can be a pirate, a mobster, a super-hero or an animal, you can also dress for success towards your goals.
When my friend Don retired from the military, he wanted to pursue his life-long dream of being a fire-fighter. He started hanging out at the local firehouse. He asked questions. He started dressing like the firefighters who were off-duty and frequenting the same places they did. He became their friend and they let him in on all the particulars of being a firefighter. It wasn't easy and it took a lot of training and dedication on his part, but today, Don continues to serve his community, this time in a firefighter's uniform. For Don, money isn't the motivator, serving his fellow man is. Maybe for you money is the motivator. Maybe you want to be a CEO. So study them, dress like a business person. Get an entry level job at a company you admire if you have to and learn the ins-and-outs of that business. Become a value-add to the organization and work to get to know the executives. You may be surprised how willing they are to help someone like "them" succeed. The same can be said for any profession and many individual goals as well. Wanna stop smoking? Hang out with non-smokers. Wanna be fit? Spend time at a gym with fit people and allow them to help motivate you to success. It is quite simple when you think of it and yet so few people do it.
Maybe on this Halloween as you're transforming into that Vampire or Werewolf you'll make a small mental note to play dress-up tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. Walk like a duck, quack like a duck; well unless that happens to also be your Halloween costume. Then I recommend you leave it at home and not wear it to the office.


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