To Share or Not To Share Goals- Haters Gonna Hate

There was a time long ago, an ancient time before the dawn of social media when running around telling everyone your "goals" would have been considered the actions of a crazy person. Most of us would share our hopes, dreams, and goals with those people who truly mattered; our small inner-circle. Parents, spouses, significant others, brothers and sisters and close family and friends.
That was long ago and far away. Today, most of us (guilty as charged) share SO much of ourselves in the social mediasphere few of us probably ever stop to wonder whether we're doing the right thing or not.
I have always believed in the human connection. I am a spiritual person and believe there is positive and negative energy out there and while this might sound like the rambling of either an "old-school religious-type" or a "new-age weirdo", I submit if you search your heart, you too can probably think of those times when people said they wanted you to succeed, but maybe acted in ways which would prove otherwise. Let's face it, there are Haters in this world.
So what do you do when you've got big goals and want to accomplish them? You've got this incredible platform called social media and you could just shout to the world "I'm on a diet!" or "I'm going to stop smoking!!" I suggest, when every bone in your body says "post", don't! Not only does it allow people who should have no right nor say in your success or failure into your very personal world, but it also ensures many are standing-by ready to see you fail and sadly rejoice in your failure should you do so.
You know me, I'm Mr. "I Believe In You." I'm Mr. "Think Positive." I am those things because I truly subscribe to a positive mindset as the very best option for a life well-lived, but even I have to acknowledge there are those who would love to see you fail. So why give them the satisfaction?
My suggestion is when you make real "life decisions" find those whom you love, whom you trust, and who will hold you accountable. Share your goals with them. Ask them to help keep you on your path. Those who care about you, I mean truly care about you, aren't threatened by your success. They rejoice with you as you meet milestones, help you stay on your path, and celebrate in your ultimate success. If you desire additional reinforcement, join local or online support groups where like-minded people help inspire you and raise you up. Interestingly enough, the reason these groups work well is the same reason people only use their first names in groups like Alcoholics Anonymous; no one is there to place judgement, but instead to support each others' goals.
Finally, if you want the best kind of inspiration and support, stop looking outwardly. No one is going to be there for you like yourself. You have the power to achieve any goal you set for yourself if you just take action and hold yourself accountable. Easier said than done I know, nonetheless it is true.
You may have 500 "friends" on Facebook. You may have 1,000 "followers" on Twitter. That doesn't mean they follow you to be your friend.
I'm the last person who would ask you to be selfish, but when it comes to YOU and achieving your goals, you better believe I espouse the idea of you being selfish. As an old ghetto quote used to say "Haters gonna hate, well let 'em." I say just don't let the haters get in the way of your goals. Sometimes less is "more" in the world of social media. I believe in you, you just have to believe in yourself.


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