Sorry About That, Mom

  From where you sit today, perched above the heavens, chances are you already know the things I did which weren't the "best" as a child. So I'd just like to publicly apologize on this special day when I honor you, my beautiful mother, and all mothers out there. Here's a list, not a complete list because the years have been long and the brain cells don't work as well as they once did. But here's my confession:

1. I didn't mean to, but I sat on the parakeet. I let him out to play with him when you weren't home and he got lost. I sat down to think about where he could be and low-and-behold, I found him, squished under me. I put him back in the cage and hoped you'd think he died a natural death.
2. Remember when the power went out in the house and right before it you heard a loud explosion coming from my bedroom? Science experiment to gain superpowers gone wrong.
3. That toilet that overflowed into the hallway, well the truth is it wasn't an old plumbing problem like I said. I was just trying to see how many G.I. Joes I could flush at one time. About 12 was the count, but that is beside the point.
4. Remember when I told you I was at John's house and just forgot about my curfew? I was with a girl. Don't worry, we were 8. Nothing serious happened.
5. You know that one time when I was 14 and you walked into the rest room and I freaked out and started to scream at you to get out? Yeah, you caught me "figuring out" my body (I think you know what I mean).
6. I stole $20 bucks from your drawer once. I'm really, really sorry about that.
7. I played hooky a lot in school. I didn't always bring you progress reports or notes from the teacher that I wasn't doing so well. I didn't want you to be disappointed in me. I know I should have just done the right thing, but I wasn't the smartest kid by far.
8. I went to lots of parties I didn't tell you about when I'd say I was going over to someone's house to study.
9. I was terrified of telling you I joined the Army because I thought you'd consider me a failure, but was so thankful to see your beaming, proud smile at my boot camp graduation. I know I didn't show a lot of emotion that day, but the Drill Sergeants were watching.
10. I have loved you every single day of my life and I wouldn't be who I am or survived the things I did without you. That is why I celebrate you both on Mother's and Father's day.

  So I confess to these things knowing there are many more you know of in your infinite wisdom. I'm sorry for all of these things and more. Luckily, you loved me with all my faults, throughout all my failures, and celebrated all my successes. We didn't have much money. But I grew up feeling like the richest guy in the world. Having you as a mom was the greatest treasure this kid could ever have. Happy Mother's Day mom!


  1. I cried, Jose. That was the most beautiful post you've ever written. TRULY!

    1. Diana, thank you so much for such kind words. They touched my heart.

  2. very sweet! She must have been very proud of you. Clearly, she was successful as Mom & Dad!


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