Malaysia Flight 370

The last few weeks have been tough on our human family. The anguish and pain we see on television from the families of those seemingly lost on Malaysia Flight 370 is difficult if not impossible for most of us to truly comprehend. It is one of those global tragedies which seems to strike a chord with so many of us. As I write this, the first possible pieces of materials are being pulled out of the ocean for testing. I am cautiously optimistic it is material from the plane, and hopeful if nothing else it brings closure to the families of those involved so the healing can begin.
A friend of mine and I were talking about the tragedy the other day and what if anything we can take out of this terrible story. For me, there is only one thing which keeps resonating; the fact we truly do not know the days, hours, and minutes of our lives. It is so easy to assume as we head out the door for work or school that we will indeed see our loved ones that evening upon our return. It is human nature to slip into the routine of day-to-day and miss those moments we have to let those we love know how we feel.
I don't know what your religious beliefs are. Maybe you believe in an afterlife, and maybe you don't. All I know is there is no time like the present to bond with those we hold dear.
As a soldier my entire adult life, I have spent a whole lot of time away from those I love. Long deployments, long hours, and focusing on others, have created large parts of my life where I was non-existent in the daily lives of my family and friends. As I look back, there are times I could have come home earlier, others when I could have called more, and others where I didn't make the most of the precious time I did have with my loved ones. Those are the failures of a man who is far from perfect and I concede quite easily I am far from perfect.
Sometimes, in tragedies like Malaysia Flight 370 we are reminded of the fragile nature of life and of the impermanence of our time on this planet. I wish it didn't take tragedies to remind us of how precious we are to one another but more times than not, it does.
Today, as you go about your daily business I invite you to take stock in the people who love you, to consider putting aside the petty and trifling barriers which keep you from others, to call your mother if she is still here, to hug your child just a moment longer.
In my humble opinion, there is nothing more important on this Earth than the relationships we build amongst each and the love we nurture as we build those bonds.
In this vast universe of cold and lonely space, all we have for sure are each other. Let's not wait until tragedies strike to remember how important we are to one another.


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