My FB Evolution

Many of my friends know I am a firm believer in living a happy, positive, productive life. Years ago I made a sincere and life-changing decision to live a "Happy" life. That isn't easy, especially in an era where negativity permeates almost every area of our day-to-day lives.
Today I witnessed an all too common ugly exchange in the "comments," below what I thought to be a genuinely generic post. We've all seen it. Chances are at one point or another we've even been sucked into one of those incredibly vile interactions. I don't know about you, but have you ever been in one of those conversations and even if you're right, have you ever seriously walked away with your hands in the air in victory feeling great about yourself? I haven't. I've actually come to the conclusion the smartest thing I can do in any of those situations is to stay AWAY.
Do you remember when Facebook first started? It was a fun place to connect and interact with people and relationship who might in other ways have been lost to time. It gave us a chance to enjoy each others' company in a virtual world. We could keep up with each other, support each other in times of trouble, and celebrate each others' special events. And back then, we would even get into debates and conversations where people shared opinions and points of view in a relatively respectful dialogue. But something happened. The 2-dimensionality of our technology gives us cart-blanche to say whatever we want online and you know what we do? We say whatever we want. We say whatever we want and if people don't like it they can shove it where the sun don't shine. If someone doesn't agree with us, they're obviously an idiot and we must focus all our energies on destroying their opinions and thoughts because nobody needs another "idiot" on the internet. We have become self-appointed "right" police and the only "right" is ours.
I am not special. I think I've evolved my social media skills like everyone else since we're all doing it at the same time. I started sharing pics of family, special moments in our lives, memories of good friends, and generally positive things. I fell into the trap of these "intellectual" conversations only to find there is as of yet no bottom to the vitriol one can experience in those depths.
I found my way out of that mess and returned to something which was far closer in keeping with my personality. I share special moments with my family, announce special moments in my life, try my very best to be supportive to all my family and friends, and occasionally share a joke or two (and a Christmas post or two cause that's my "thing :). Other than being an active member on a couple of discussion and support FB groups I joined by choice and interest, I don't do much else. I'm ok with that.
I don't discount or discourage the serious dialogue many of my friends choose to begin. I thoroughly enjoy those posts and comments which help me learn, grow or better understand a topic or the varying sides of an issue. Believe me, I read much of it. But I work really hard not to allow my emotions get the better of me and jump in.
I recognize the lifestyle I have chosen is not for everyone. Most people don't focus on living a "happy" life, but instead consider happiness an emotion like any other and experience it as it comes. That is absolutely ok. I think people should live life on their terms and how they are comfortable doing so.
All I know is my FB page is my FB page and I shape my "wall" by mostly allowing posts by friends and family who focus on positive things. If my positivity bothers you, definitely consider casting me away to the hinterlands of "acquaintance-land" so my posts don't show up on your feed. Believe me, I will not lose any sleep over it.
In my FB evolution, I've learned a lot about myself, mostly the obvious; that FB is a website and I will not allow a website or other peoples' sour opinions or personalities on it, to color my view on the world.
We've got one shot on this planet. Our breaths are limited on this Earth. I choose to spend as many of those breaths in full appreciation of the amazing life I am lucky enough to live and thankful for the beautiful family and friends I am fortunate to have in my life. That is enough for me. 


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