Happy Black Hole Appreciation Day

I feel especially lucky to live in this time. For the first time in human history, we've seen a photo of a black hole. It sits in the center of our galaxy and astronomers call it Sagittarius A* (said aloud: Sagittarius A “star”). It has a mass 4 million times greater than our sun. 4. Million. That's 4 with a bunch of "illions" after it. How cool is that?!?
I spend a lot of time talking about positivity, happiness and sharing thoughts on success with anyone who cares to listen. What I find most amazing about this incredible image isn't the black hole itself. The black hole in the center of our galaxy is just a "thing." It cares not whether we are awed by it. It means nothing to it that we photographed it. And yet without us, it might as well not exist. It has no purpose. We give it purpose. It's not beautiful. We make it beautiful. It's not awe-inspiring. We make it awe-inspiring just by looking at it and being awed.
Friends, WE give the universe meaning. We give it sight and sound, and color and significance just by observing it. That makes us pretty dang special.
So if you're not feeling all that powerful today, remember you give the universe its consciousness. You're far more powerful than you sometimes give yourself credit for.
Even in these troubling times. Even with all the challenges we face. We can do something a powerful, massive black hole cannot. We can make things better. We can be kinder to each other. We can support one another and acknowledge our differences while appreciating our similarities. Maybe today's the day we start turning things around. And "we" starts with me. So thank you for spending some time with me. I think you're pretty great.


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