My Funny Valentine

Maybe Old Blue Eyes said it best in his song My Funny Valentine; "but don't you change one hair for me, not if you care for me, stay little valentine, stay." With Valentine's day just a few days away, I got to thinking of what that holiday means to me.
It's interesting that Valentine's day is linked with new love so much these days and that's OK I guess. To me though, the true meaning of the holiday lies not in new love, but the kind that endures; the kind that lasts past all the faking we all do to attract each other and keep each others' attention during an early romance.
I'm gonna be honest, I'm a mess. I've made more mistakes than most over the years, some real whoppers. I started out pretty good looking if I do say so myself (I kid), but the years are wearing on me. I am far from the perfect male model and nobody has ever confused me for Enrique Iglesias. I can be moody and stubborn, like to be pretend I'm right more than I actually am, and sometimes I proudly let a "silent but deadly" one slip out while sitting on the couch; yet my Valentine still stands by my side.
There's a motivational speaker named Mark Gungor who speaks about marriages and relationships. He talks a lot about communication and how men and women have different ideas and expectations which can lead to friction. He also mentions the idea of the "over-romanticization" of relationships. He argues women have this romance-novel idea of the perfect husband/boyfriend. I say, so what. I like the idea my Valentine once thought of me as a Fabio-ish man. I worked really hard on my sexy foreign accent back then to impress her.
What I love most of all though is once the fake accent wore off and the abs went the way of the ab-roller and sweatin' to the oldies VHS tape, she still liked me for me; for the flawed, average guy I am.
So here's a toast to all you "lifers" out there. May you celebrate your Valentine this year with a huge thank-you for loving you "Just The Way You Are". On that note, I'm off to listen to Billy Joel.


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