Today is Tuesday

Well somebody's the king of the obvious with that title right? Yes it is Tuesday, a relatively ordinary day. Just a regular work day as we approach spring weather. I think Tuesdays are sorta interesting. I usually put the brunt of the responsibility on how a week is going to go on Tuesday. I mean let's face it, Mondays usually exist to annoy most people, Wednesday is Hump day and the countdown to the weekend has begun, Thursday is that day you get junk done so you don't have to do anything on Friday, and Friday is, well, whose head is in the game at work on Fridays? Thus, the only "sane" day of the week, where the distractions are still too far off is Tuesday. When you use one to its utmost, you tend to have a productive week. When you don't, the week tends to be sort of blah.
So, CEOs and Homemakers, Carpenter and Soldier, Retail Store employees and Fast Food chef, go out and make this one count! Do great things with this Tuesday and it will pay off for the rest of your week. I promise!
Oh and if you run into people with stinkin' thinkin', don't stop to add your two cents, you've got a Tuesday to succeed at.
Thx to all my friends who have been concerned about me and why I haven't posted very much recently. I am fine. I was just performing my military duties in a field environment (the woods for you civilians :) for just under a month.
I learned two things while out there, first I'm getting too old for playing Army, two, the old Army motto "if it isn't rainin' we aren't trainin' has stood the test of time.
And just so you know I take my own advice, my Tuesdays were very productive. :). It's good to be back. Remember, I believe in you my friends, you just have to believe in yourselves!


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