A Hug For A Life

You know, things ain't easy these days. The world moves a million miles a second, we're all so busy, everything is a priority until nothing is a priority. We are moving at the fastest speed we have ever done so in the history of the human race.
We are overwhelmed at work and at home. Sometimes it's all we can do to just keep our heads above water, to survive. Yet, for those of us who have people around us that love us, there is a certain strength which emanates from them. It is part of our human connection. As long as you feel like you've got people on your side, people who understand you, people who care, everything else is tolerable.
Yet the reality is not everyone "feels" that lucky and sometimes honestly isn't. Feeling lonely, abandoned, and pushed away leads some to thoughts of suicide. Over one million people die by suicide each year around the world. Around 20 million attempt it. It is the leading cause of death among teenagers and adults 35 and under.
Yeah, we're so sophisticated and intellectual. We have big jobs and big money. We own big houses and drive expensive cars. Yet in the final analysis, none of that matters. In the end, the only connection that matters is the connection we have with each other, and so many people feel disconnected.
Some would say the internet is to blame for all the loneliness, but the internet is just a tool. We give it power, don't we? And since we give it such power and so much of the stuff we "entertain" ourselves with on it is so relatively destructive, I wanted to give you an option. Make the next website you visit something which will further isolate you from the human race, or accept a hug from a total stranger, on http://www.thenicestplaceontheinter.net/. I learned about it from a friend and thought it was such a beautiful idea. Just ordinary people from all walks of life, sharing a hug with you. I don't know about you, but I'm a hugger and I'm all about receiving genuine hugs. Not the cold "yeah I'm going thru the motions but am grossed out by you" hugs, but the "I care about you and want to connect with you in a meaningful way" type hugs. If you want a hug, feel free to click on the link. Or better yet, give one to someone you care for and get one in return. Let's watch out for each other and let's give our kids a chance to be kids, and fill their lives with hugs.


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