What's Wrong With Taking Flintstones Vitamins?

So there I was, caught red-handed. I had a greyish Fred Flintstone and purple Dino the Dinosaur vitamins in my hand when my son Nathan walked in the room. Of course he went and told on me and I was "reminded" that I am not a kid anymore and that I needed to take "adult" vitamins. Well fooey! This is America and if I want to take Flintstones vitamins I have a Constitutional right to do so. Don't I?
Well ok ok, you know me, always finding "meaning" in things that probably have no meaning. In all honesty, we all laughed about it and I took the vitamins anyway before anyone could take them out of my hand. But it got me thinking about how quick our kids grow up.
I have some great friends whose kids have already left home. I've got friends from back in High School who have college student children and/or are grandparents already. My cousin Carmen's kids aren't just college age, her oldest is a successful entrepreneur succeeding at a job he loves and I remember the day she brought him home from the hospital. My friend Kathy's daughter just left for Asia to model professionally. What? I remember her when she was like 2.
All this reminded me of two things, how truly lucky I am to have two wonderful, decent, honest, hard-working sons; one a sophomore in college and the other a sophomore in high school, and how quickly this life of mine is going.
I don't always stop to smell the roses, you know what I mean? I like many of you, am always so damn busy running around that I tend to ignore the amazing life I am living. I will tell you, I am rich beyond my wildest dreams. Not in money, cause my checking account says I've got $47.22, but in the love of my beautiful family and my incredible friends.
This labor day weekend, I suggest you put that work blackberry away, turn off Angry Birds (I'm new to the Angry Birds thing and am totally addicted so this is a note to myself), and just enjoy the free time and the people around you who make you smile. The people who make this life worth living. The people who give us reason to believe our lives are full of value and meaning. Happy Labor Day weekend my friends.
Now, where are those gummy bear vitamins I saw?


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