Hump Day!!!

I LOVE Wednesdays. I always have. I think its because they are just far enough from Mondays to finally have them behind us, and from Wednesdays we can finally see the promised land of Fridays, so we find ourselves usually pretty motivated. From my personal experience I think I've always been more productive on Wednesdays.
I got to thinking about the "why" as I usually do (I know, its annoying sometimes) and I think it comes down to the two things that drive all life, pleasure and pain. In one way or another, all life on this planet is constantly trying to move away from pain and towards pleasure. In our unique case as the weirdos of the living world, we happen to have the additional issue of emotions. Throw emotions over the relatively simple pleasure/pain principle and you've got yourself a heck of a mess. That pretty much sums us all up doesn't it?
Most living things on this earth are run by instinct. That's not to say some of the more evolved creatures don't have any emotion, but by far instinct is what drives them. For us, instinct can sometimes be trumped by emotion, and sometimes that combo can bring us pain.
When I think of Wednesday, I think of these things and the whole idea that I suspect most people like Wednesday is for many of the same reasons. We tend to automatically place a "negative" connotation on Mondays (although if you still do, shame on you; go back and read my post on Monday Gratitude :). Mondays are that day when our weekend freedom is ripped away from us and there we are, working for "the MAN", sometimes hating what we do. We tend to place great joy on Friday for the opposite reason. It is the day of our freedom. Fridays make us feel like its the last day of school and we're off for the summer. Our lives are "ours" again. Even if its just for a little while.
Having said that, I submit to you that placing such weight on days of the week really is our emotions clouding our true instincts. Having a job is a luxury. Going to school is a luxury. Living in this very moment is, well maybe not a luxury, but its a heck of a gift. I suggest all of us (including me) remember each day is ours to do with as we please. We can make the most of it or we can make the least of it, but it is the same 24 hours everyone else has. I once heard Arnold Shwarzennegger, arguably the world's most accomplished bodybuilder and one of the great action movie stars in the history of cinema and of course current Governor California, speak to a group of children. He mentioned he remembered the day he started his bodybuilding career. It was a Thursday. When one of the kids asked him why he chose a Thursday, he said "it was as good as any other day to start working on my dreams".
Here's another interesting piece of trivia because this is the kind of stuff I subject myself to on my "free" time. The world's richest man is a Mexican businessman named Carlos Helu. Check the Forbes top Billionaires, I wouldn't lie to you. He currently has approximately $60 Billion dollars. If he spent $1,200 dollars a minute, every single minute, day and night, for the next 100 years, he would still have more money than most of us. Yes, I did the math. In about 29 minutes he would go through what the average American makes in an entire year.
What does that say to you? I'll admit, my first reaction was "that jerk, I bust my a@@ and this guy makes that kind of crazy money? But after I stepped back I thought of the possibilities. This guy has the same 24 hours you and I do. He isn't much smarter than some of us (meaning me), and I know for sure he's not as smart as some of you. He has the same 24 hours as you and I.
I say today, on this Hump Day which is usually a productive, and relatively happy day for most people as they look forward to their Friday, you consider exactly what the possibilities are in your life. Stop thinking of your limitations. Limitations are almost always barriers we place on ourselves to make us feel better so we've got an excuse for our failures. Today, while the motivation is still high, commit to doing something important in your life. Whatever that might be. Only you know the true definition of success for you. As the great Ahhhnold says today is "as good as any other day to start working on" YOUR dreams! I believe in you. You just have to believe in yourself.


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