Monday Gratitude

Let's face it, Monday is not a popular day. It get's a bad rap. Its the day which sets the tone for the rest of the week. Many folks learn just how "painful" their week is going to be on Mondays. And honestly, if anything can go wrong, it will....on Monday.
Having said that, I have a simple fix for your Monday morning blues; pull out a trusty pen and piece of paper and write on the top "I like Monday because....". I know, you're probably thinking "Is this guy nuts? I don't like anything about Monday!" Don't you? I bet I can help you find a few things you like.
1. Did you wake up this morning? Chances are, if you're reading this, you woke up this morning. I bet you most people who passed away this weekend, given the chance, would give entire fortunes to have this one day left on earth. So to begin with write "I like Monday because I woke up."
2. Did your loved ones wake up this morning? If the answer is no, you have an absolutely fair reason to be having a bad day. But if your husband or wife, girlfriend or boyfriend, brother or sister, or your children woke up this morning, you have the amazing gift of having them in your life for this day. Believe me, it is a gift. Sadly, most people don't appreciate it until a loved one is gone. I say celebrate the ones you love today because today they are HERE. "I like Monday because my loved ones woke up and I have this day with them in my life."
3. Do you have a job? I know some of you are thinking "yeah but you don't know what kind of crap job I have". Do you know how many people on this earth don't have a job to go to today? Do you know how many people would trade places with you so they could put food in their child's mouth? So they could pay their rent? So they could finally leave the streets or their shelter? So they could feel like they were "worth" something? If you have a job, you really are better off than a whole bunch of people on this earth.  "I like Monday because today I have a job."
4. Do you have a roof over your head? I bet you do. I don't know too many people who have internet access to read my silly blog yet have nowhere to sleep. There are people who have nowhere to sleep, nowhere to feel safe. You do. You have a home, regardless of how modest or how luxurious, it is probably better than a significant portion of the world's population.  "I like Monday because I have a home."
5. Are you reading this? Then you probably have an education; enough at least to read. Chances are you're smarter than you give yourself credit for. You have a lot to offer your workplace, and there is no better day of the week to show just how much you have to offer than on Monday. "I like Monday because I am lucky enough to have an education."
Finally, let me ask you this, if your child were born on a Monday in the middle of the pouring rain on the ugliest day of the year would you remember it? Would you remember how the wind was howling and how much you hated the day? Or would you remember your baby's smile and the first time they looked at you? If your child were born on a Monday, I bet you wouldn't think Monday to be a bad day at all. You see, its all in the perspective and its all in the choice. Choose to have a great Monday and you will. Choose to set the tone for the rest of your incredible week and it will be so. This is YOUR day; what will you make of it?

As always, remember life gives of you what you ask. You just have to be bold enough to ask big.


  1. LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jose, seriously - you need to go on the self-improvement circuit, motivational speaker circuit QUICK. You've seen so much in your career in the military- so very much. DAMN, YO!! DO THIS!!! I can't say this enough - you are an excellent communicator (your first gift) and a great person with a great heart. Keep the blog up - write the book - just keep this going. For real.

  2. PS: I love Mondays!

  3. Aura Colon-CasanovaAugust 23, 2010 at 8:47 PM

    This is an awesome blog. Thank you for putting Mondays into perspective. Ive always appreciated my life and those in it but when it comes to Mondays all I can think of is having to get up early. Like you said at least I got up. Keep them coming!!!!


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