
The year is 1989. A recent high school graduate (barely) is overwhelmed with life. He dreams of a world outside the bounds of his environment and his poverty. Dreaming is a luxury; an escape from the real world, but not usually translated to a reality.
One day in late November the young man returned to his car after a day of community college classes only to find it was gone. Nothing was there other than the remnants of broken glass.
Downtrodden he began his 5 mile walk home. He had no one to turn to, no one who would come and get him, no one who would care. He reached a bridge just past the factory his single mother had worked at for so many years until her accident which she was fired for versus given any sort of support.
As he stopped to look down into the cold November waters of the river below he contemplated how the world might just be better without him; how he hadn't really made a difference in this world and never would.
Just as he was steeling himself to take the plunge and finally end his misery a young woman walked by with what might have been a 7 year old little girl. He'll never know what she was thinking, all he knows is she looked at him and smiled. She smiled a smile so bright it brought reason back into his cluttered mind. So bright it gave him a ray of hope, just enough to reconsider his stupid idea. As they passed the bridge, he stood down, took a deep breath, and continued his walk home; this time with purpose, belief and hope.
21 years later that young man who once was an instant from ending it all is a proud, successful, happy adult. He now boasts the great honor of being the father of the two greatest sons and wife a man could ask for. They are by far his greatest honor and his grandest accomplishment. Who knew a simple smile could have such an impact on a man?
If you walk by someone today and you will, please CHOOSE to smile. Smile genuinely and happily; you never know the impact it might have.
That little child saved a life. The life she saved was that of a 19 year old kid named Jose. He's lucky enough to still be on this earth, thankful for every moment he has for every moment is a gift; a gift her smile afforded all those years ago which had it not, would have laid this page barren.. For that man, that kid named Jose, that kid was me. I have been a believer and provider of smiles ever since.


  1. love you cousin, old times were tough, but I am glad we made it. So proud of the man you have become! God bless, Carmen Lourdes

  2. Damn Jose - it's like all of us have lived similar lives back in Lawrence. Hugs & love to that little angel who came to smile on you.


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