Never Quit

I was at a fast food restaurant today for lunch. I wasn't thinking of diet or nutrition. Against the better judgement of my ever-expanding waist, I just wanted a juicy burger and greasy fries.
In front of me was a young lady, probably in her early 20's who had what seemed to be Down Syndrome. I was in a hurry and was a little perturbed a "slow" person was in front of me as I was in a hurry. I was thinking only of myself and my selfish needs.
As I listened she began to order. It was so slow and she dragged it out for what seemed like minutes and minutes. I could tell what she wanted and thought more than once about jumping in and just telling the girl behind the counter what she wanted in an effort to hurry things up a bit.
When she completed her order the girl behind the counter who couldn't have been older than 21 stopped, looked at her, and said "good job Karen, that is the first time you've gotten through it on your own". Shocked I watched her mother walk up, smile, and tell me "this is the first time in her life she's gotten through an order on her own".
Talk about feeling like a heel! This young lady had spent her life preparing to succeed at that moment, and I was too worried about my selfish needs to notice the miracle happening right before my eyes.
"Karen" doesn't know me. I will probably never see her again. She will have many more successes and I will probably make the mistake of being selfish and worrying about only "me" again sometime. Having said that, it won't be any time soon. Thanks to "Karen" and her Value Menu order in front of me today, I will think long and hard before I forget the lesson she inadvertently taught this dummy; NEVER QUIT on your goals, however big or small!


  1. MADE ME CRY!!!!!!!!! Wow - what a great anecdote and lesson. Thank you for this passage.

  2. What an uplifting story! It made me think of the many times I've been to blind to see miracles right in front of me, and of the many times I've quit right before success happens. I'm one semester away from finishing college for the 8th time around. I like "Karen" will enjoy that moment!


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