Analysis Paralysis

The laundry is overflowing, the dishes haven't be washed, the floors aren't swept or mopped, the rugs haven't been vacuumed, there's globs of toothpaste dried on the sink. You look around at all there is to do, and what do you do? You say "the heck with it, I'm off to get a manicure" (replace with whatever you favorite lazy pleasure is if mani's aren't your thing). Come on, you do it. You've done it. You're gonna do it again. We all have. It's called Analysis Paralysis.
Analysis Paralysis is when you over-think, over-analyze and ultimately overwhelm yourself to the point of paralysis and only in our awesome human brains does it make sense to just leave it all there and go do something else. The problem is of course, when you get back from that manicure or that trip to drool over the latest motorcycle or lawnmower (depending on your desire for speed), the mess is still there. The short term escape does nothing to help your long-term problem.
This is an issue we all go through and to be honest, every once in awhile it's ok to let loose and just forget about the ole routine and be spontaneous. The problem is when we live our lives this way.
I speak to so many people who share their problems with me; I am in the people business after all. So many of the vices and negative habits begin so mildly when those overwhelming situations aren't as overwhelming. People don't normally become alcoholics or drug addicts overnight. They don't become those hoarders you see on those tv shows overnight. They get there a little at a time until they are buried so deep in this hole and all they know how to do is keep digging. I remember someone telling me the first step in getting out of a hole is to stop digging.
I have friends who are in jobs they absolutely HATE. I ask them why they stay and always get the obligatory "I need the money and I don't have any other choice". That's fair I guess. If you don't have any other choice. I hear them give me all the mumbo jumbo about how they hate their boss whose half their age and how the stupid customers are rude and obnoxious and how everyone is conspiring against them. So I ask them what it would take for them to be marketable for a better job or position. Sometimes they'll say they need specific training, or a particular degree, or experience in other areas. I always ask if they know what they need to do, why don't they just go out and do it. I usually get the "oh Jose, you don't understand, I don't have the time" or "I don't have the money" or resources or whatever. Basically they want me to feel sorry for them and share in their pity party. I'd love to cause I'm game for a good party but um, NOPE.
I have good female friends who made less than perfect choices as teenagers and found themselves growing up real quick to raise children of their own. Some of these women, most of them single mothers, went on to work two and three jobs while going to school and taking care of their children. Women who had everything going against them, who have become incredible successes and inspirations to many, myself included, and most importantly to their children. And you don't have time? Sure! Watching American Idol doesn't pay. Nor does playing video games (unless that is your profession and if you're reading this blog, you're probably not the professional video-gamer demographic). Bottom line, if a single teenage mother can find a way to get through high school, college, working multiple jobs to rise to success, you can too.
I have other friends, people who have come to this country from some of the toughest places to live in the world. How many stories have you heard of the guy from Ethiopia or the one from Mexico who came here with $10 bucks in their pocket, without being able to speak a single word of English and somehow they become millionaires? I've seen my share of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and all I can say is wow, talk about living the American dream.
You see, the one thing these people do to succeed where most of us fail, is they step in the right direction. They don't let Analysis Paralysis stunt their journey, stop them from reaching their goals.
I heard a story today about a family who went to the Grand Canyon. A park ranger took them to the edge of the canyon and pointed to the bottom and said "It's 8 miles straight down from here, but it's 80 miles to get back up". Yes the road to your goals will probably be the 80 mile road. Lord knows reaching rock bottom can happen pretty quick, its the getting out that takes awhile. There's only one way to get out of the canyon you might be in; taking that first step, and then the one after, and the one after that.
Friends if Analysis Paralysis is keeping you from finishing that last load of laundry, well ok, you get a pass...go have some fun if you really must (just remember it'll be there waiting when you return), but if it is keeping you from reaching the goals you want to achieve, PLEASE take that first step in the right direction. I promise you, you won't be disappointed at how far that first step will get you.
As always, I believe in you; you just have to believe in yourself.


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