Parallel Realities

I know what you're thinking "well, there it is, he went off the deep end now". Bear with me. I'm gonna get to something special. Or try to at least.
So here's the scientific part. For many years, really since Einstein and before, scientists and mathematicians have knows there to be multiple "dimensions" if you will. You know some of them. A quick refresher on dimensions. A straight line on a piece of paper is considered one-dimensional because it only has length. If you intersect a second line through the first, you now have a two dimensional rendering as you have both length and width. And in the world we see every day, our third dimension, we see length, width, and depth. The next dimension is time. What's interesting about the 4th dimension is we can only see a snapshot of the right now at any given moment but all possibilities, all realities are coexisting at the same exact time.
We know from experience that we are where we are because of the decisions we have made. We can place blame elsewhere of course, and that is what most of us do. Its our parents' fault, our ex who left us, the scholarship we didn't get, that big promotion that went to the director's pet employee. Ultimately though, while circumstance has something to do with the environment and situations we find ourselves in, WE are in control over how we act or react to them.
There are two other know dimensions of relevance to my topic (there are actually 11 known dimensions scientifically), they are the fifth and sixth dimension. In it theoretically, you could go back and forth in your own life to any point and to any of multiple possible outcomes based on the decisions you made at given points in your life.
OK, Science class is over. Now for the practical. Earlier this year in my first post of 2011 I was talking about New Years Resolutions and made note that whether you met your goals or didn't by the end of the year, at that point, both were equally as possible. Whatever brought you to your current life situation truly is a combination of all your prior choices and actions. You are exactly where you put yourself. I know I know I'm being a jerk. You didn't plan on living under the weight of all these bills or working for that insufferable jerk. I'm here to tell you, you may not have planned to, but you put yourself there nonetheless.
You cannot magically change where you are at this exact point. It is a truism. It is a product of your past.
What you can control is from this moment on. Scientifically speaking, you can literally choose to follow any path you want in life from this moment on and begin working towards it. It is just as real and just as possible as if you continue doing exactly what you're doing knowing the results a year from now, a decade from now, will be exactly what you have right now.
Maybe you are one of the few people who is truly happy and content with your life. If you are one of those few, then by all means please continue to do what you do. For the rest of us who strive to attain what seems unattainable, and in true "blue collar" humor, "Here's Your Sign".
Start today. Don't wait till tomorrow. Start today even if its just figuring out what it is that you want out of life. Once you do, find out how other people have achieved the things you want to accomplish. Chances are, somebody has already done it. Set up a plan, against all odds if necessary, create attainable goals, and then start taking steps towards them.
Maybe you've always wanted to get your PhD or maybe its your High School Diploma. Let me tell you, if it is a life dream of yours, holding that certificate in your hands is equally exhilarating regardless of which one you desire. Maybe you've always dreamed of running a marathon or starting your own business or maybe your dream is to get through a week without alcohol or binging on food. Whatever your desires are, whatever your goals are, they are just as attainable as your current reality. But just as you worked to get yourself to where you are now (positively or negatively) you'll have to work to get there as well.
The great thing about the realities of our existence is they can be changed at any time. You just have to have the courage, determination, and drive to make it happen. So don't wait till tomorrow. Today is Sunday, great day to pull out the old notebook or calendar and start making plans. Start making notes, start "doing". You don't have to know every step, a lot of it will reveal itself to you along your journey, but none of it will happen unless you take that first step in that desired direction.
Friends I can guarantee you two things for sure. First, time waits for no one. It will continue to tick regardless of what you do or don't do. Second, if you continue to do what you've always done, you'll always get the results you already have. If those are good enough for you, then hey it's all gravy. If not, you have to "do" something to change the direction of your reality. Only you can. Not your husband or wife, not your kids, or boyfriend, not your parents, not circumstance...YOU. Start now. You won't regret it.
As always, I believe in you, you just have to believe in yourself.


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