Just In Time For Monday: The Secret To Success

Shhh, this is one of the biggest secrets of all time. The magic formula for success, is HARD WORK. Sorry folks, I know you wanted something more dramatic. But that's it.
I was watching a bodybuilding competition the other day and during the post-competition press conference, one of the reporters joked "how do I get as big as you?" Steroid controversy aside (for my more sarcastic friends), the competitor said "hard work, consistency, and determination."
It made me think of how we, especially we Americans, have gotten so used to get rich quick schemes, six minute abs, the latest contraption on HSN, the latest pill or powder, the next big thing from your favorite technology company, that we expect everything to be within our reach within minutes. We are a society of "right now." Unfortunately and contrary to popular belief, success does not come from a pill or a contraption or a six-minute anything. Success comes from exactly what that bodybuilder said, hard work, consistency, and determination.
I have spent a lifetime looking for an easier way; a faster route to success. Time and time again, the answer has eluded me and yet been right in front of me. I just didn't want to accept it. We've all heard the axiom "you have to work for it." But none of us wants to, because it's hard.
That is why companies make billions off of us. I am speaking from first hand knowledge. I've popped every GNC pill, bought every gut-buster contraption and started every multi-level marketing business seemingly on Earth. I've bought the "dream" over and over again.
Have you every bought into the six-minute ab DVD? Have you ever bought the "get rich quick" scheme off the 1-800 number? Have you ever bought into the latest hot tablet-thingy cause then you'd "really" be productive then?
Many of us fall prey to this kind of thinking. We want to believe we can run that marathon with a week's worth of training, become wealthy within a month of starting a new 1-800 business, of getting that bachelors degree in 2.5 years. Ultimately unless you win the lottery, chances are you come to the same conclusion we all do. You want it? You're going to have to work for it.
I've got a cherished high school buddy named Scott Proposki. He is one of the most successful people I know. He runs a hugely successful national level photography company which he started with just a camera and a dream. He works his butt off and guess what? He has been rewarded with great and continuing success. He is a role model I look to every time I get the notion my success should come the "easy" way.
Friends you have to stop looking for the easy way out. There is no easy way out and even if there was, would success taste as good if it were handed to you?
The power to succeed is and has always been right there in front of you for the taking, you just have to have the courage to do the work, be consistent about it, and maintain a focused determination. The success will come. But YOU have have to make it happen. No one is coming to save you. No one is going to get you out of it. No one is going to give you a shortcut to where you want to go.
The secret to success? Work. That's it. Hard Work.


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