Just Another Manic Monday

Remember the Bangles? OK so no this isn't about the song in particular but hopefully I haven't lost you. I wanted to share a couple of thoughts about that dreaded day of the week.
I always find it amazing how much power we tend to give really innocuous things, like Mondays. When you left on Friday, you probably knew you'd be going back to the office three days later right? :). So much of our distaste for Monday seems to be tied to the fact it is the one day we blame for stealing our short-lived freedom away. It is also the day the "good idea fairy" visits our bosses and they come up with some real doozies don't they? I'm sure we all have our horror stories.
Having said all that, I'm here to share a thought or two about navigating through that hated day.
First, choose to have a good day. I know what you're saying, "how do you "choose" to have a good day? Don't they just sorta happen to you?" I submit that we can choose to have a good day practically any day we want. Choose to focus on the good things during the day. Hey, you woke up right? That's a great starting point. There are a lot of people on earth who didn't this morning. You're already one up. See, this whole choosing to be happy thing is easier than it sounded isn't it?
Second, don't be so thin-skinned. We Americans take everything so damn personal. Poop happens, let it slide. Not everything that happens at the office is a personal attack on you. Stop getting so pissed off about the boss' good ideas, even when they're not. I bet there are other people who end up affected by them as well. It's probably not just you. So let it slide. You have a job. Yet again, there are a whole lot of people out there who would trade their situation for yours in a heartbeat.
Finally, stop giving Monday so much power. My son was born on a Monday. It was a crappy day too. Cold, rainy, and a Monday. Yet, looking into my baby boy's eyes that very first time was one of the most incredible moments of my life. It happened on a Monday. A cold, wet, blustery one. And yet it was one of the most beautiful days of my life. Maybe your kid wasn't born on a Monday, but I bet there are a whole lot of things you can be happy for on most of them.
So go forth, play your music too loud on the way into the office like you did when you were younger. Walk in with a smile instead of a frown. If nothing else, by the end of the day, you'll be one day closer to your weekend. And that, I think we can all agree, is something we can all be happy about.
As always, I believe in you, you just have to believe in yourself!


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